Italian Wars Situation Paradox Interactive Forums

Hear me out, in EU4/CK2/CK3, etc, the AI tends to focus on simply waging war on the land of the war’s enemies, rather than the territory of which the war is… Admiral of the Fleet 55 BadgesHIP Advisor 42 BadgesAdmiral of the Fleet 55 BadgesHIP Advisor 42 BadgesCustom Title 92 BadgesI’m Spartakus 53 BadgesPrivate Field Marshal 64 BadgesCustom Title 92 BadgesMajor 50 BadgesPrivate I’m Spartakus 53 BadgesCaptain 20 BadgesPrivate Colonel 1 BadgesRecruit 34 BadgesMajor 98 BadgesPrivate Major 9 BadgesMajor 98 Badges
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