The King and Queen of Hearts - voidedcat - Hazbin Hotel (Cartoon) Archive of Our Own

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Rating: - Explicit Archive Warning: - No Archive Warnings Apply Category: - M/M Fandom: - Hazbin Hotel (Cartoon) Relationship: - Angel Dust/Husk (Hazbin Hotel) Characters: - Angel Dust (Hazbin Hotel)

  • Husk (Hazbin Hotel)
  • Valentino (Hazbin Hotel) Additional Tags: - Overlord Husk (Hazbin Hotel)
  • Canon-Typical Violence
  • Magic
  • Gambling
  • Smut
  • Fluff
  • Angel Gets To Shoot Val Yay
  • Body Worship
  • Porn with Feelings
  • No Beta We Die Like Val’s Self-Esteem
  • Alternate Universe Language: English Stats:Published:2024-06-07Words:5,942Chapters:1/1Kudos:89Bookmarks:18Hits:767

The King and Queen of Hearts



Husker is hosting his casino’s annual high stakes game for demon lords and royalty. Angel is to accompany his overlord, be a pretty face that hangs on his arm, sing a song or two, maybe rub it in the face of his ex-employer, who knows where the night might take them. The event is going swimmingly, until Val decides he has to have Angel back, and challenges Husker for his soul over a game of poker, just like how he lost it the last time.


If you like visualizations, this is the dress Angel will wear for the event, but with more red accents to match his man. And the song he’s singing is “Ready to Lose” by The Knife. I’m imagining a jazzier take, slower and more sensual. (See the end of the work for more notes.)

Work Text:

Angel would never admit it, but being traded like a commodity away from Valentino’s possession might be the best thing to happen to him. At first, he was terrified of what his new overlord was capable of, of what he would have him do to prove his worth, but thankfully, the Luck Demon’s vice was of greed, not the kind of lust he’d grown accustomed to. Husker, head honcho of the New Vegas district, didn’t care much for depravity of that kind, he was only interested in swindling money from drunkards and in-over-their-heads gamblers. And doing so didn’t involve his employees getting naked, just the promise of it. Angel rose in rank quickly, going from the newbie to headlining performer that drew in a record number of patrons to the overlord’s personal whore in mere months. The other bitches hated his ass but also respected his hustle, and that was just how he measured his success. Husker was nice, still a fucking power-hungry lunatic but a hell of a lot less sadistic than his last overlord. The catman treated his lover like royalty, never sparing a cent on his whims and wishes, was ever so tender and caring in bed, never once hurt him, and though he had a litany of honeypots to choose from who would love nothing more than to bag their sugar daddy boss, Husk only chose him. He couldn’t help but feel a little special, just a little. “You ready, sweetheart?” Husker’s voice snapped him out of his head as Angel smiled at him through the mirror. He raked his eyes over his overlord, already prim and proper, not a bowtie crooked, as if their romp mere 15 minutes ago didn’t happen and Angel dabbed more powder onto the egregious hickey that shone even through his fur to emphasize the point. “Not yet, I have twelve more marks to cover up,” he huffed, and that was enough of an invitation for the cat to sidle up and wrap his arms around him, lips already seeking to make more. “You ass! Go away!” He pushed the man off, refusing to be swayed by the gruff chuckle he let out. “If you’re gonna do that, we’ll be stuck here for the next hour.” “Maybe that ain’t too bad an idea,” the cat smirked, eyes leering at him with interest but soon pushed off the vanity and trotted off with a swagger in his step. “If ya ain’t down there in twenty, we’re openin’ without you.” He blew a raspberry, “You wouldn’t dare benching your lucky charm.” He caught a side smirk from the mirror as the man mumbled almost to himself, “You know it, baby.” Angel couldn’t help his fluttering heart, Husk always had those subtle ways to make him feel cherished. Angel got down there in eighteen, donning a black and red high-low dress to accentuate Husk’s colors, and put gems in his hair for extra sparkle as he readied himself to be the King of Hearts’ plus one for his annual high stakes game. The Hourglass had shut its doors on the common man this evening, only high-ranking demon overlords and royalty were permitted within its keep. The whole venue was cleared out save for a singular table at the middle and a stage for the preliminary performances. This was a very exclusive event and Husk held the power to pick and choose who would attend each time. He’d even consulted Angel on if he should invite the Vees since they already came to the last one, but Angel insisted. He wanted to look Val in the eye and show him what he’d missed in the year he’d lost him, knowing Husk would have his back. Husk looked down at his watch then shifted to his Demonic Form, tall and imposing as his voice bellowed across the hall even without a mic. “Alright, it’s showtime! Let’s bleed ‘em dry, fellers.” He grinned with all his pointed teeth and everyone whooped and hollered. The door opened, dozens of voices filtered in through the halls as demons filled the casino, grabbing their drinks and beginning their small talks. This was primarily a social event after all where lordlings and princesses could rub elbows and take a load off for a night of ‘friendly’ competition, a chance to one-up one another in a neutral environment, to brag about their achievements, their purchases, their newly acquired souls. Husker, a reserved and introverted man by nature, still could be very smooth and charismatic when he wanted to be. The man shook hands, engaged in small talks like a professional, perceptive eyes taking in any and all information while Angel simply hung on his arm, laughing at the right joke and batting eyelashes at the VIPs at the right moment. He could tell they despised him, looking down their noses at him for being a piece of ass clinging to the overlord, who had never introduced them to a whore in this way in the forty years he’d been in charge. He could tell exactly what they were thinking and none of it mattered when Husk’s arm was so secured around his waist and his golden eyes so molten intense whenever he looked at him Their disdain and simultaneous lust for him only invigorated him more as he took center stage for the opening performance. Dolled-up and positively glowing, he cast his eyes over his audience, catching a glimpse of Valentino seething in his seat before stopping his gaze at his overlord, a subdued smirk upon his lips, “Good evening, ladies, gentlemen, and all you royalty in between. Our humble Hourglass welcomes you tonight for the biannual game, hosted by our lovely King of Hearts.” The spotlight drifted to Husk, who let out an audible ‘urgh’ before giving his guests a cursory nod just so Angel would end his torment. He smiled at the man, before the spotlight returned to him. “As a thank you and a promise that you will have fun, allow us to provide you with some entertainment.” With a flourish of his hand, the lighting dimmed, the band began playing, heavy percussion and a thumping slow bass beating against his chest. Angel cradled the mic stand like a lover as he swayed to the music. The hot purple spotlight simmered his blood as he sang, sultry and decadent, an almost moan to the words. His eyes lingered upon his overlord all the while, seeing the minute expression on his feature twitching and morphing along with his voice. “The blood. The mine. The yours. Combined. Blood control. A hazy line. Rearranging of desires.” He winked, reveling in the amused grin on Husk’s face, before he flicked his eyes to Valentino, catching the man off guard. “Ready, ready to lose a privilege. An ongoing habit. A transfer of possessions. Ready, ready to lose a privilege. A final sequence. An end to succession.” The song ended to a roaring applause from all but the man he was staring down. Angel let the satisfaction envelop him like a cozy blanket as he blew a kiss to the crowd, a few of them reaching to grasp it before their partners whacked them upside the head. He pranced off, feeling higher than the greatest drug could provide as he sauntered up to his overlord, planting himself beside him. Husk’s hand found his as the man drew it up to his lips, “That was beautiful, dear.” Angel didn’t blush, he merely sighed contentedly and sank into his seat as the poker game commenced. The band and other singers continued to provide quiet ambient music as the cards were being dealt. Husk sat the first ones out, the casino would be taking a percentage from all winnings tonight so he wanted to stay sober and keep a finger on the pulse for the most part before he indulged himself. The number of players dwindled gradually throughout the night, some winners wanting to quit while they were ahead, a few losers having lost their summer homes and prized possessions had stormed off in frustration. The house didn’t care much who won or lost, they were making money either way. Husk waited until there were less than a dozen players left before he joined the fray. Only the top dogs, the ones with the worst egos remained, Angel would enjoy watching Husk bleed their bank dry and knock their self-esteem down a few pegs. He saw the determination in Valentino’s resentful eye from across the table and he knew exactly what his goal was. The man had towed along a poor little thing who recently found the misfortune of being in the moth’s ‘employment’, and he had been pawing and slobbering over her the whole night, in an attempt to make Angel jealous perhaps? He couldn’t be bothered to feel a single thing, only sympathy for the girl. The last nine players, including Husk, were stubborn and competitive, each one having a personal vendetta against some other. Angel silently watched as they competed in their dick-measuring contest, trading estates and souls like chump change just so they could pose superiority over one another. It was very amusing. And then it got tense when the game slowly came down to Husk and Valentino. Pink eyes hiding behind rose-tinted glasses twitched under Husk’s scrutiny. Val had always had a shit poker face, the man had zero chill, and the way he seethed as he lost yet another rare collection of guns to the Luck Demon was so very enjoyable to watch. The moth’s fist slammed upon the table as he stood up, trying to use his tall stature to intimidate but Husker did not spare a single flinch. “Alright, that’s it, you cheating bastard.” Angel had had the pleasure of seeing what those deft paws could do, both in bed and out, as Husk’s sleight of hand was objectively amazing. But the man did not cheat, at least not in the real games. He knew how to cheat and how to catch the cheating in action but that was simply how he came to hold and maintain the power he did. So the cheating accusation slid right off his back as his smug smile never wavered. The mothman’s lip twitched, “I want a rematch. With my own deck of cards, none that the house has tampered with.” He whipped out a fresh deck from his pocket, slapping it onto the table as their audience ooh-ed and aw-ed with the rising tension. Husk’s golden eyes flicked from the cards to the pimp, calculating. Angel reached for the deck, fingers tracing along the fresh box, the seal still intact, the cardboard pristine. Husker held Val’s stare for a good bit before he nodded a go-ahead at Angel. He began opening the pack, flipping through the cards and inspecting them. It was porn-themed, because of course, each card showcasing a pornstar in a naked pin-up pose, Angel vaguely remembered doing a shoot for these. With a grin, he showed the card he was on to Husker, the Queen of Hearts, and the man’s fur bristled. After he determined they were indeed not tampered with, he handed them to his overlord to double check, but the man simply passed them off to an impartial demon lord to shuffle. “Alright then, Valentino. Have it your way. Our casino always prides itself on makin’ our guests comfortable first and foremost after all.” Valentino finally took a seat again, gathering the poor fishgirl into his lap as she squirmed. “Judging by your
 enthusiasm, I have a feelin’ you wanna play for more than pocket money and petty collectibles, hm?” The moth puffed out his chest, sitting straighter, “I wanna play for souls.” Angel bit back his laughter, who would have guessed, the man was nothing if not predictable. “I wanna trade her soul,” his arm tightened around the girl, “for his.” Angel smiled right back at him, there wasn’t a single drop of fear in his heart that Husk would entertain this deal. How stupid did he think he was? “How stupid do you think I am?” Husker chuckled, “Angel made up 78% of all your earnings, I’ve seen the numbers, and you think this baby soul of yours measures up to him? No offense, kiddo.” He nodded at the fish and she honest to god blushed. Angel wished he had some popcorn right now to watch these overlords duke it out. “Kayla here,” Val began, and the girl timidly interjected, “Karma, sir.” “Karma here, has been doing a splendid job, thank you very much. She’s got potential, she’s young, she’s malleable.” Angel wished he couldn’t relate to the abject look of horror on Karma’s face as she slowly came to realize how god awful her contract owner was turning out to be. He knew Val’s tactics well, sugar and compliments and impossible euphoria for the first few months until he’d gotten you willing giving up your autonomy, then you’re absolutely fucked in all sense of the word. “She’s an investment, one that could generate you ten times the money he will ever make. Angel’s old news, kitty let me take him off your hands.” When Husk still didn’t bite, Val gritted his teeth, “Fine, two souls from under my belt. Hers and a pretty little thing who looks just like our whore here.” Angel tilted his head, very much amused by all this low balling. There was no way Husk would go for it. “I want your production company.” The man gave a resolute counter-offer and you could hear a pin drop in that room before Valentino exploded in disbelief. “What!?” “Your entire production company and all your staff. As we’ve established, Angel made up a significant chunk of your earnings. I have no doubt he’ll be able to help you start your company up again without a hitch.” He knew there was no way in Hell Valentino would accept that so he simply smiled, letting himself be entertained by all the taunting. “If you think I value that ungrateful little bitch more than the decades I’ve worked to build my company, you’re out of your fucking mind. I want more.” His long finger tapped upon the table, contemplating, before he figured out something that had his pink eyes twinkling in dollar signs. “I want The Hourglass.” Husk laughed, a gravelly sarcastic sounding thing. “Right. Would you like me to sign my soul to you too then?” There was ten times the money to be made in the gambling business compared to adult entertainment, there was no way Husk would agree. The cat sat back in his chair, puffing away at his cigar as he weighed his options. Angel suddenly felt queasy, like it was all starting to get too real. “I’ll give you The Stumpy Pete’s along with its staff. It’s my second biggest establishment. It sits on a 70 acre plot of land and owns the three surrounding blocks, plenty of space for your extracurricular degeneracy.” For the first time since Val started throwing his tantrum, reality finally set in that Husk was actually making this deal. Angel reached out to tug at his overlord’s sleeve, feeling like a small child with the way anxiety was threatening to eat him whole. “Husk?” He whispered, a frayed edge to his voice. He knew whatever they had wasn’t
 romantic, and it sure as hell wasn’t love. But stupidly and hopelessly, Angel had thought they cared for each other more than this, more than Husk breezily putting up his soul in a business deal. Angel felt his heart sink and he desperately tried to look into the overlord’s eyes, to read his thoughts, to confirm that the man was simply bluffing, that he didn’t find Angel that expendable. But he was, wasn’t he? He was just a whore who was traded around like a baseball card, who tasted a tiny bit of freedom and power and now held these delusions that he meant anything more. Husk didn’t glance at him, determined to hold Valentino’s gaze as the two men ran through numbers in their heads. A heavy weight settled in the pit of Angel’s stomach as he watched them wagered over his life, and instinctively, he began curling into himself. “Deal.” Their hands clasped and magic swirled, pink and gold twisted together and caused a blast to wash over everyone. An overlord’s deal was binding for all eternity, and Angel swallowed his bile at the thought of Husk losing, of returning under Valentino’s thumb, of living that torment again. He didn’t think he could stand it, and he could do nothing but sit there and helplessly watch these titans toy with his soul. His eyes caught Karma’s from across the table and they shared a dejected look of empathy. The servant imps began supplying them with playing chips and dealing the cards, Angel tried to take comfort in the way Husk ever so nonchalantly leaned back in his chair as if there wasn’t a worry on his mind, but he couldn’t do it. His hands fisted at his dress as he looked at Husk’s cards, trying not to let his emotion show just how bad his hand was. He didn’t want to be the reason, the tell, that gave Husk away and doomed them all, so instead, he just looked straight ahead at Karma. The game went on, the chips went back and forth and back and forth. By the time they reached the fifth match, the odds were looking ever so slightly in Val’s favor and Angel had to resist the urge to bite his nails. Val bet big this round, seemingly antsy to get this over with, as the flop was revealed as a 10 of clubs, and two Jacks, hearts and spades. Husk held in his hand a 9 and a 10 of hearts; a pair of 10s wasn’t too bad. But when the fourth card was dealt, a Queen of Hearts, Angel noticed Karma gave him a worried look as the man’s fingers flexed against her stomach. Val had gotten something real exciting, and he held his breath as the man announced, “All in.” If he was playing, he would have folded right about now knowing Val wasn’t bluffing. Husk might, might, get a chance for a straight flush if the next card was either an 8 or a King of hearts, but that would be a huge if. All he had now was a pair and that would not be a smart idea to risk busting on a huge if. So tell him why, tell him fucking why, the bastard just pushed all his chips in as well. “All in then,” he grinned and Angel wanted to grab him by the lapel and scream into his face. Was he insane? Valentino smiled, a thick disgusting glob of pink smoke oozing from the corner of his mouth at his sheer excitement of getting to outplay the Luck Demon. They both laid their cards down for there were no more bets to be made, and Angel’s heart got choked up in his throat. Val had a Jack and a Queen, making his hand a full house, and the moth was preparing to throw his hands up in celebration, when the final card was flipped. The whole casino erupted into cheers and laughs and confounded hollers and Angel stared dumbly at the shiny King of hearts, in the image of Val himself, yet for once, Val wasn’t happy to see his own face. Husk sucked his teeth in faux remorse as he shrugged, “Still don’t beat a straight flush, friend. Good try though.” Holy fuck, Angel had to double over before he hurled from the stress. The adrenaline high didn’t last long though before Valentino let out a roar, throwing the poor girl off his lap and flipping the table, growing to his Demonic Form, giant wings flapping up a storm. “You fucking cheated, you pussy ass bitch!!” Husk didn’t flinch, though magic still gathered at his fingertips in preparation as he pulled both Karma and Angel behind him, his shorter stature growing slightly to shield them, “I didn’t cheat shit. Lady Luck just has her eye on me. They don’t call me the Luck Demon for nothin’.” That only enraged the moth demon even more as he huffed and puffed, smokes filling the whole venue as he spat insults and curses to all who had ears. Husk stood up, his size grew and grew with gritted jaw and darkening pupils like a mighty lion about to strike, “I won fair and square, Valentino, everyone here can attest to that. So quit your sulkin’ before you start somethin’ you’re really gonna regret.” “Fuck you!” Valentino began throwing a tantrum, tossing anything and everything in his vicinity. Angel tensed, this was a pathetic sight but it was a familiar one, one that preceded him being punished and abused for the crime of being in Val’s presence when he was in a bad mood. He locked eyes with the furious overlord and recognized that look instantly, as one of Val’s hands shot out towards him, a desperate grasp for what he felt he was owed. But he didn’t get a chance to get close before Husk pounced on him, the hair on his back standing up on end and trembling with anger. His claws dug into Val’s shoulders as he ripped the demon away, pinning him to the ground with a furious roar. The moth hissed back, a bug’s chittering sound was made from deep within his chest before he hocked up a glob of toxins into Husk’s face. The cat demon flew backwards to get away, trying to wipe the poison off before it could eat at his skin and fur. While he was disoriented, Val summoned a swarm of flesh eating butterflies as it swirled and twisted around Husk’s form. Angel had seen him do this once before, and the victim was nothing but bones when the swarm was done. The horror of that shocked him out of his stupor and he had to do something before Husk met that same fate. He whipped out the pistol he always concealed in his boot as he unloaded his gun at the moth. The bullets were just hellish lead, but they still managed to pierce through his wing while Angel screamed at the top of his lungs, “Val! Fucking stop it!” He knew he wasn’t doing much damage to the giant moth, but he managed to distract him for a single second and that was all it took for Husker to break from the swarm and regain his balance. He immediately conjured a barrage of razor-thin cards that shot at Val at top speed, the blades slicing through the air like bullets as they shredded his already injured wing. Val dropped like a bug with his wing clipped and Husk didn’t give him time to get back up, immediately jumping on him with claws digging into the moth’s head as he bashed it again and again into the ground. Val’s limbs flailed, trying desperately to pull the cat off him, nails tearing at fur and flesh but soon weakening as Husk didn’t relent until he was sure he’d had the shit thoroughly kicked out of him. Their bodies had shrunk back down but Husk was still sitting on top of the moth’s chest, as he coughed and wheezed, eyes glazed over from the head trauma. “Chea
,” he still tried to argue while actively choking on his own blood. Husker snarled, reaching back to pull out a goddamn grenade before he promptly pulled the pin and stuffed it in Val’s gasping jaws. “Since you can still breathe enough to spout nonsense, how ‘bout you hold onto this for me, huh?” Val’s eyes widened in panic as he clamped down on the trigger, distressed noises were muffled by the bomb in his mouth. “This shit is made from angelic steel, so I suggest you keep that fuckin’ trap shut for both our sakes and listen up.” Husk leaned down against the moth’s face and whispered, yet somehow his rumbling voice could still be heard by everyone. “You fuckin’ lost. Deal with it. Now because I’m a goddamn merciful guy, Imma forget this baby tantrum of yours didn’t happen. You can go back to your fuckin’ handlers and tell ‘em what you’ve done yourself, instead of me draggin’ your corpse to their steps. I don’t want no turf wars, so unless you do, don’t ever let me see you in my territory ever again.” He removed the grenade from Val’s mouth and put the pin, and Angel watched in awe as the man actually did not snipe another word. There was genuine fear in his eyes as he held his tongue, bruised and battered face sunken with defeat as he was yanked upright by the collar like a scruffed cat. The casino’s guards immediately flanked him, escorting him out with his tail between his shaky legs. “And Val,” Husk called out and hesitantly, irately, Valentino turned back, “My lawyer and I will be coming over in a week to work out all the details. Expect a call. See ya then.” Angel wanted to laugh, wanted to point and absolutely cackle at the fuming defeated look on Val’s face but he feared that’d rile him up to ask for another beat down. And you really shouldn’t kick a guy while he is down. He let out a snort, who was he kidding, you should most definitely kick a motherfucker like Valentino while he was down. Husker turned to his guests to dissuade their already booming gossiping and clamoring, while Angel himself approached Karma, who wore a despondent look on her face before he placed a gentle hand on her arm, “Guess you’re workin’ for the Luck Demon now, toots.” He gave her a reassuring smile, and she nervously glanced over at the overlord, “Is he
 as cruel as
” “No,” Angel shook his head, “I mean, he’s fucked up in other ways. But no, he ain’t Val’s type of sadistic.” He could tell she was shell-shocked by the sudden change of fate so he began leading her to the employees’ quarters for the night. He needed a bit of space to gather his thoughts anyway. After making sure Karma received her own room and was taken care of by the other employees, he returned after Husk had finished greeting and bidding goodnight to the rest of his guests following that firework ending of an event. The overlord looked exhausted, his fur matted with blood and singed by acid, one of his eyes was squinting from being pecked by the bugs. “Let’s get you cleaned up,” Angel couldn’t muster a smile if he tried, the swirling voices in his head were too loud. They headed back to their suite, as Angel began cleaning up his overlord. He wiped away Husk’s blood in silence as he went over the past thirty minutes. He sewed up his cuts in silence as he looked back on the furious look on Valentino’s face after he lost and wondered how likely he would retaliate for this. He put salves over his acid burns in silence as he recalled how terrified he’d been when Husk almost bet his soul away. As he was putting the medical supplies away, Husk caught his arm, “You’re upset.” Angel shrugged, finding it difficult to meet his eyes. “Well yeah, you’re hurt.” It wasn’t a lie, but it wasn’t the whole truth either. And Husk knew it as he turned him around, intentive eyes boring into him, “Angel.” He didn’t mean it like a command, but Angel couldn’t help but hear it as such after what happened tonight. “You betted on my soul!” He yelled, teeth gnashing as he pulled away from Husk’s grip, feeling himself needing to pace the floor. “Like I’m aware you own it or whateva, but I thought
” He sucked in a breath and debated not saying it, but he just had to, “I thought I meant more to you than that.” He turned away, not wanting to see the confirmation in Husker’s eyes. How fucking stupid was he to fall for his owner. Maybe this was his personal Hell, to make the same mistake again and again, to be punished for wanting to be loved. The cat let out a disappointed sigh. “You really think that? You actually think I don’t care for you?” “You care for me about as much as a piece of property,” he spat back, throwing an icy look at the man, “I wonder which is worth more to you, me or The Stumpy Pete’s.” Now that pissed him right off, as the overlord growled, claws clenching into the desk he was leaning on. “You ain’t my fuckin’ property, Angel.” He pushed off the desk, striding towards him and for a flash moment, he thought he would be hurt for speaking up against his master. But instead of a smack across his face, it was a gentle hand, a firm, but gentle hand, and his head was guided down to be pressed against his overlord’s as he muttered, “But you’re still mine.” Electric crackles of magic flashed behind his golden eyes and Angel felt a tug within his soul, like the chain Val used to yank him around by the throat, but it was a warm feeling, a safe feeling, like his heart was being beckoned home. Husker then uttered a vow as sacred and as binding as his soul contact, “And I always protect what is mine.” Angel positively melted. The devotion, the reverence the other man held for him was physically palpable, was pulling on the chain that tied them and for the first time since he’d been made Husk’s, he realized the man was just as bound to him in turn. So he allowed himself to believe his affection wholeheartedly, as he freed his own from the cage he’d been desperately trying to keep within. He slowly curled his arms around Husker’s shoulders, letting himself be hoisted off the ground. His overlord carried him off and laid him down on their plush bed, lips and teeth grazing against his ear, “I would never gamble with your soul if I ain’t sure I would win.” His soft paws stroked down his sides, making Angle shiver with delight, and those deft fingers skillfully unzipped his dress before he even realized it. He began tugging off Husk’s bowtie, couldn’t help himself but muss up his slicked back hair, relishing in the fact that he was one of the few people who got to see the mighty King of Hearts like this. “I would never have let him take you back, even if it killed me.” Angel gasped as Husk’s magically slicked finger pressed into him, crooking and caressing tenderly and his whole body trembled. “I would never be foolish enough to lose you to anyone.” The words were uttered right into his mouth and he breathed them in, letting them mingle with the ones he’d been holding back himself. “You’re mine.” And Angel had never heard truer words. “I’m yours,” he echoed back, drunk with lust and high from devotion. Husk entered him, their hips rocked together, bringing wave after wave of pleasure that had all of Angel’s walls and pretense falling away. He never had to fake his cries and moans when he was with Husk, never had to wonder if he was doing enough, never had to worry about a thing, for the man was so sickeningly attentive and adoring, it was borderline overwhelming at times. He’d often wondered how the overlord didn’t have a line of admirers out the door, but that only made him feel even more special, and now that he’d felt what Husk’d shown him through their bond, oh that made him feel very special. “I’m yours.” The beck and call was addictive, that feeling of being wanted, of being adored and coveted was not anything he’d experienced before. Even when they were in the throes of it, he knew it wasn’t just something physical, Husk didn’t want just his body, but him, all of him, any of him. “Yes, that’s it, baby. Say it. Say you’re mine.” He could hear how ruined his overlord was by the gruffness of his voice, low and shaky, raspy and choked out like a parched man dying for water. He could feel how desperate his lover wanted him, wanted his attention, wanted his kiss by the way he moved, by the way he touched. He finally realized how thoroughly he’d got the man wrapped around his finger, as he grinned, words breathy and hitched, “You’re mine.” Those golden cat eyes turned into nothing but blown pupils like a predator about to pounce and Angel giggled in preparation before his overlord (his, his, his) descended on him, lips frantically seeking his own, tongue lingeringly tasting him, paws and arms and wings and tail wrapping around him as if fearing he’d dissipated otherwise. He held his lover back, body moving to meet his with every thrust and every breath and he echoed again and again, “You’re mine, you’re mine
” “I’m yours,” Husk whispered just as he reached his climax, body clutching at him as he emptied himself within and Angel consumed him whole, coming right after, shaking and shivering and utterly loved. A while after they had come back down from the high, lazily drifting off to bed together, Angel couldn’t help but ask again, “Did you mean it?” Husk was already halfway asleep, but he perked up, gazing down at him endearingly, “ ‘Course I did.” The anxiety melted away and he was confident he could put that fear to rest. He snuggled closer to his lover, mushing his face into the soft pur and relishing in the purs he let out. “Does that mean you’re gonna give me Val’s studio?” He teased, wholly not expecting the man to agree to it so easily. “Why’d you think I asked for it? You’d be doing a hell of a lot better than that sumbitch. As long as you want to, I mean.” Angel sprung up, the sudden prospect of managing his own adult studio, of getting to be his boss, of creating the work he’d want to create, fuck, it was kinda intense. “What? I was just kiddin’
 Are you sure? I ain’t much of a businessman.” “I can be the businessman for you if you need. You can just worry about the creatives. I know you love your job, honey, but your management fuckin’ sucked the life outta it all. I think you’d do great. Betta. Best.” Husk smiled, genuine and assured, and Angel kissed him dearly, “Thanks, Husky. I don’t even know where to start though.” “We’ll figure it out together. But now let’s not talk business. I was spat on by a toxic insect three hours ago, please lemme sleep.” Angel laughed, folding back into his lover’s arms all warm and snuggly as he started brainstorming all the ideas on how to run his very own studio. He knew he would never trace the same destructive path his former owner had made, and he actually felt hopeful and excited. And then a stray idea interrupted his train of thoughts, “Hey, Husky, do ya think the imps had cleaned up down there? I wonder if they’d gathered up all those porn playin’ cards. I wanna play strip poker with that.” A soft paw landed on his mouth to gently shut it, “Sleep, sweetheart.” “Okay.”


I stole the name Hourglass for Husk’s casino from reddit, cuz someone says “it’s a matter of time before your luck runs out”, and I think that’s sick. Also, that whole “Say you’re mine”, “You’re mine” exchange was completely stolen inspired by magnolia_9’swork and it altered my brain chemistry the first time I read it, so send them some love if you wish ❀ You can skip the rest of this if you don’t find an irrelevant rant about made-up magic fun ‘cuz Imma get a lil nerdy and all over the place over here. I headcanon that Husk has powers of probability manipulation. As an overlord of gambling, of chance and luck, I think he is capable of manipulating his fortune to some extent. He doesn’t do it often because it’s super taxing to his energy and power source and it’s risky. I think of it kinda like dunamancy (the Beacon) from Critical Role DnD, the magic of probability. Take that card game with Val specifically, I imagine him using that power to take a peek behind the fabric of reality to see future outcomes. He uses it right before he goes all in, right before the final card is flipped. And the magic lets him see two outcomes: the King of hearts which gives him the win, and a random card like a 3 of spades. He knows those are the two possibilities this next card will be, and he gets to choose if he wants to do nothing, keep his reality where the card is whatever it is right this second, or switch to the other, reach into the other possibility, the other reality. It’s a 50/50 chance, he doesn’t know what the card is right now but he has the chance to switch it if he wants to. So it’s still a gamble, but it’s a better probability than if he hadn’t used his power. It’s technically cheating, but in his mind, he’s still making a gamble, just in a different kind of game than the one they are playing. And I think he personally did nothing in this instance. He chose to stick with this reality, and it turned out to be the King of hearts, making it a win for The King of Hearts. I think it’s poetic. For anyone who read through that, you’re a trooper for indulging a mad woman’s nonsensical rambling. And for everyone else, thank you for reading in general â˜ș❀



Husker is hosting his casino’s annual high stakes game for demon lords and royalty. Angel is to accompany his overlord, be a pretty face that hangs on his arm, sing a song or two, maybe rub it in the face of his ex-employer, who knows where the night might take them. The event is going swimmingly, until Val decides he has to have Angel back, and challenges Husker for his soul over a game of poker, just like how he lost it the last time. Husker is hosting his casino’s annual high stakes game for demon lords and royalty. Angel is to accompany his overlord, be a pretty face that hangs on his arm, sing a song or two, maybe rub it in the face of his ex-employer, who knows where the night might take them. The event is going swimmingly, until Val decides he has to have Angel back, and challenges Husker for his soul over a game of poker, just like how he lost it the last time.


If you like visualizations, this is the dress Angel will wear for the event, but with more red accents to match his man. And the song he’s singing is “Ready to Lose” by The Knife. I’m imagining a jazzier take, slower and more sensual. (See the end of the work for more notes.) If you like visualizations, this is the dress Angel will wear for the event, but with more red accents to match his man. And the song he’s singing is “Ready to Lose” by The Knife. I’m imagining a jazzier take, slower and more sensual. (See the end of the work for more notes.) Angel would never admit it, but being traded like a commodity away from Valentino’s possession might be the best thing to happen to him. At first, he was terrified of what his new overlord was capable of, of what he would have him do to prove his worth, but thankfully, the Luck Demon’s vice was of greed, not the kind of lust he’d grown accustomed to. Husker, head honcho of the New Vegas district, didn’t care much for depravity of that kind, he was only interested in swindling money from drunkards and in-over-their-heads gamblers. And doing so didn’t involve his employees getting naked, just the promise of it. Angel rose in rank quickly, going from the newbie to headlining performer that drew in a record number of patrons to the overlord’s personal whore in mere months. The other bitches hated his ass but also respected his hustle, and that was just how he measured his success. Husker was nice, still a fucking power-hungry lunatic but a hell of a lot less sadistic than his last overlord. The catman treated his lover like royalty, never sparing a cent on his whims and wishes, was ever so tender and caring in bed, never once hurt him, and though he had a litany of honeypots to choose from who would love nothing more than to bag their sugar daddy boss, Husk only chose him. He couldn’t help but feel a little special, just a little. “You ready, sweetheart?” Husker’s voice snapped him out of his head as Angel smiled at him through the mirror. He raked his eyes over his overlord, already prim and proper, not a bowtie crooked, as if their romp mere 15 minutes ago didn’t happen and Angel dabbed more powder onto the egregious hickey that shone even through his fur to emphasize the point. “Not yet, I have twelve more marks to cover up,” he huffed, and that was enough of an invitation for the cat to sidle up and wrap his arms around him, lips already seeking to make more. “You ass! Go away!” He pushed the man off, refusing to be swayed by the gruff chuckle he let out. “If you’re gonna do that, we’ll be stuck here for the next hour.” “Maybe that ain’t too bad an idea,” the cat smirked, eyes leering at him with interest but soon pushed off the vanity and trotted off with a swagger in his step. “If ya ain’t down there in twenty, we’re openin’ without you.” He blew a raspberry, “You wouldn’t dare benching your lucky charm.” He caught a side smirk from the mirror as the man mumbled almost to himself, “You know it, baby.” Angel couldn’t help his fluttering heart, Husk always had those subtle ways to make him feel cherished. Angel got down there in eighteen, donning a black and red high-low dress to accentuate Husk’s colors, and put gems in his hair for extra sparkle as he readied himself to be the King of Hearts’ plus one for his annual high stakes game. The Hourglass had shut its doors on the common man this evening, only high-ranking demon overlords and royalty were permitted within its keep. The whole venue was cleared out save for a singular table at the middle and a stage for the preliminary performances. This was a very exclusive event and Husk held the power to pick and choose who would attend each time. He’d even consulted Angel on if he should invite the Vees since they already came to the last one, but Angel insisted. He wanted to look Val in the eye and show him what he’d missed in the year he’d lost him, knowing Husk would have his back. Husk looked down at his watch then shifted to his Demonic Form, tall and imposing as his voice bellowed across the hall even without a mic. “Alright, it’s showtime! Let’s bleed ‘em dry, fellers.” He grinned with all his pointed teeth and everyone whooped and hollered. The door opened, dozens of voices filtered in through the halls as demons filled the casino, grabbing their drinks and beginning their small talks. This was primarily a social event after all where lordlings and princesses could rub elbows and take a load off for a night of ‘friendly’ competition, a chance to one-up one another in a neutral environment, to brag about their achievements, their purchases, their newly acquired souls. Husker, a reserved and introverted man by nature, still could be very smooth and charismatic when he wanted to be. The man shook hands, engaged in small talks like a professional, perceptive eyes taking in any and all information while Angel simply hung on his arm, laughing at the right joke and batting eyelashes at the VIPs at the right moment. He could tell they despised him, looking down their noses at him for being a piece of ass clinging to the overlord, who had never introduced them to a whore in this way in the forty years he’d been in charge. He could tell exactly what they were thinking and none of it mattered when Husk’s arm was so secured around his waist and his golden eyes so molten intense whenever he looked at him Their disdain and simultaneous lust for him only invigorated him more as he took center stage for the opening performance. Dolled-up and positively glowing, he cast his eyes over his audience, catching a glimpse of Valentino seething in his seat before stopping his gaze at his overlord, a subdued smirk upon his lips, “Good evening, ladies, gentlemen, and all you royalty in between. Our humble Hourglass welcomes you tonight for the biannual game, hosted by our lovely King of Hearts.” The spotlight drifted to Husk, who let out an audible ‘urgh’ before giving his guests a cursory nod just so Angel would end his torment. He smiled at the man, before the spotlight returned to him. “As a thank you and a promise that you will have fun, allow us to provide you with some entertainment.” With a flourish of his hand, the lighting dimmed, the band began playing, heavy percussion and a thumping slow bass beating against his chest. Angel cradled the mic stand like a lover as he swayed to the music. The hot purple spotlight simmered his blood as he sang, sultry and decadent, an almost moan to the words. His eyes lingered upon his overlord all the while, seeing the minute expression on his feature twitching and morphing along with his voice. “The blood. The mine. The yours. Combined. Blood control. A hazy line. Rearranging of desires.” He winked, reveling in the amused grin on Husk’s face, before he flicked his eyes to Valentino, catching the man off guard. “Ready, ready to lose a privilege. An ongoing habit. A transfer of possessions. Ready, ready to lose a privilege. A final sequence. An end to succession.” The song ended to a roaring applause from all but the man he was staring down. Angel let the satisfaction envelop him like a cozy blanket as he blew a kiss to the crowd, a few of them reaching to grasp it before their partners whacked them upside the head. He pranced off, feeling higher than the greatest drug could provide as he sauntered up to his overlord, planting himself beside him. Husk’s hand found his as the man drew it up to his lips, “That was beautiful, dear.” Angel didn’t blush, he merely sighed contentedly and sank into his seat as the poker game commenced. The band and other singers continued to provide quiet ambient music as the cards were being dealt. Husk sat the first ones out, the casino would be taking a percentage from all winnings tonight so he wanted to stay sober and keep a finger on the pulse for the most part before he indulged himself. The number of players dwindled gradually throughout the night, some winners wanting to quit while they were ahead, a few losers having lost their summer homes and prized possessions had stormed off in frustration. The house didn’t care much who won or lost, they were making money either way. Husk waited until there were less than a dozen players left before he joined the fray. Only the top dogs, the ones with the worst egos remained, Angel would enjoy watching Husk bleed their bank dry and knock their self-esteem down a few pegs. He saw the determination in Valentino’s resentful eye from across the table and he knew exactly what his goal was. The man had towed along a poor little thing who recently found the misfortune of being in the moth’s ‘employment’, and he had been pawing and slobbering over her the whole night, in an attempt to make Angel jealous perhaps? He couldn’t be bothered to feel a single thing, only sympathy for the girl. The last nine players, including Husk, were stubborn and competitive, each one having a personal vendetta against some other. Angel silently watched as they competed in their dick-measuring contest, trading estates and souls like chump change just so they could pose superiority over one another. It was very amusing. And then it got tense when the game slowly came down to Husk and Valentino. Pink eyes hiding behind rose-tinted glasses twitched under Husk’s scrutiny. Val had always had a shit poker face, the man had zero chill, and the way he seethed as he lost yet another rare collection of guns to the Luck Demon was so very enjoyable to watch. The moth’s fist slammed upon the table as he stood up, trying to use his tall stature to intimidate but Husker did not spare a single flinch. “Alright, that’s it, you cheating bastard.” Angel had had the pleasure of seeing what those deft paws could do, both in bed and out, as Husk’s sleight of hand was objectively amazing. But the man did not cheat, at least not in the real games. He knew how to cheat and how to catch the cheating in action but that was simply how he came to hold and maintain the power he did. So the cheating accusation slid right off his back as his smug smile never wavered. The mothman’s lip twitched, “I want a rematch. With my own deck of cards, none that the house has tampered with.” He whipped out a fresh deck from his pocket, slapping it onto the table as their audience ooh-ed and aw-ed with the rising tension. Husk’s golden eyes flicked from the cards to the pimp, calculating. Angel reached for the deck, fingers tracing along the fresh box, the seal still intact, the cardboard pristine. Husker held Val’s stare for a good bit before he nodded a go-ahead at Angel. He began opening the pack, flipping through the cards and inspecting them. It was porn-themed, because of course, each card showcasing a pornstar in a naked pin-up pose, Angel vaguely remembered doing a shoot for these. With a grin, he showed the card he was on to Husker, the Queen of Hearts, and the man’s fur bristled. After he determined they were indeed not tampered with, he handed them to his overlord to double check, but the man simply passed them off to an impartial demon lord to shuffle. “Alright then, Valentino. Have it your way. Our casino always prides itself on makin’ our guests comfortable first and foremost after all.” Valentino finally took a seat again, gathering the poor fishgirl into his lap as she squirmed. “Judging by your
 enthusiasm, I have a feelin’ you wanna play for more than pocket money and petty collectibles, hm?” The moth puffed out his chest, sitting straighter, “I wanna play for souls.” Angel bit back his laughter, who would have guessed, the man was nothing if not predictable. “I wanna trade her soul,” his arm tightened around the girl, “for his.” Angel smiled right back at him, there wasn’t a single drop of fear in his heart that Husk would entertain this deal. How stupid did he think he was? “How stupid do you think I am?” Husker chuckled, “Angel made up 78% of all your earnings, I’ve seen the numbers, and you think this baby soul of yours measures up to him? No offense, kiddo.” He nodded at the fish and she honest to god blushed. Angel wished he had some popcorn right now to watch these overlords duke it out. “Kayla here,” Val began, and the girl timidly interjected, “Karma, sir.” “Karma here, has been doing a splendid job, thank you very much. She’s got potential, she’s young, she’s malleable.” Angel wished he couldn’t relate to the abject look of horror on Karma’s face as she slowly came to realize how god awful her contract owner was turning out to be. He knew Val’s tactics well, sugar and compliments and impossible euphoria for the first few months until he’d gotten you willing giving up your autonomy, then you’re absolutely fucked in all sense of the word. “She’s an investment, one that could generate you ten times the money he will ever make. Angel’s old news, kitty let me take him off your hands.” When Husk still didn’t bite, Val gritted his teeth, “Fine, two souls from under my belt. Hers and a pretty little thing who looks just like our whore here.” Angel tilted his head, very much amused by all this low balling. There was no way Husk would go for it. “I want your production company.” The man gave a resolute counter-offer and you could hear a pin drop in that room before Valentino exploded in disbelief. “What!?” “Your entire production company and all your staff. As we’ve established, Angel made up a significant chunk of your earnings. I have no doubt he’ll be able to help you start your company up again without a hitch.” He knew there was no way in Hell Valentino would accept that so he simply smiled, letting himself be entertained by all the taunting. “If you think I value that ungrateful little bitch more than the decades I’ve worked to build my company, you’re out of your fucking mind. I want more.” His long finger tapped upon the table, contemplating, before he figured out something that had his pink eyes twinkling in dollar signs. “I want The Hourglass.” Husk laughed, a gravelly sarcastic sounding thing. “Right. Would you like me to sign my soul to you too then?” There was ten times the money to be made in the gambling business compared to adult entertainment, there was no way Husk would agree. The cat sat back in his chair, puffing away at his cigar as he weighed his options. Angel suddenly felt queasy, like it was all starting to get too real. “I’ll give you The Stumpy Pete’s along with its staff. It’s my second biggest establishment. It sits on a 70 acre plot of land and owns the three surrounding blocks, plenty of space for your extracurricular degeneracy.” For the first time since Val started throwing his tantrum, reality finally set in that Husk was actually making this deal. Angel reached out to tug at his overlord’s sleeve, feeling like a small child with the way anxiety was threatening to eat him whole. “Husk?” He whispered, a frayed edge to his voice. He knew whatever they had wasn’t
 romantic, and it sure as hell wasn’t love. But stupidly and hopelessly, Angel had thought they cared for each other more than this, more than Husk breezily putting up his soul in a business deal. Angel felt his heart sink and he desperately tried to look into the overlord’s eyes, to read his thoughts, to confirm that the man was simply bluffing, that he didn’t find Angel that expendable. But he was, wasn’t he? He was just a whore who was traded around like a baseball card, who tasted a tiny bit of freedom and power and now held these delusions that he meant anything more. Husk didn’t glance at him, determined to hold Valentino’s gaze as the two men ran through numbers in their heads. A heavy weight settled in the pit of Angel’s stomach as he watched them wagered over his life, and instinctively, he began curling into himself. “Deal.” Their hands clasped and magic swirled, pink and gold twisted together and caused a blast to wash over everyone. An overlord’s deal was binding for all eternity, and Angel swallowed his bile at the thought of Husk losing, of returning under Valentino’s thumb, of living that torment again. He didn’t think he could stand it, and he could do nothing but sit there and helplessly watch these titans toy with his soul. His eyes caught Karma’s from across the table and they shared a dejected look of empathy. The servant imps began supplying them with playing chips and dealing the cards, Angel tried to take comfort in the way Husk ever so nonchalantly leaned back in his chair as if there wasn’t a worry on his mind, but he couldn’t do it. His hands fisted at his dress as he looked at Husk’s cards, trying not to let his emotion show just how bad his hand was. He didn’t want to be the reason, the tell, that gave Husk away and doomed them all, so instead, he just looked straight ahead at Karma. The game went on, the chips went back and forth and back and forth. By the time they reached the fifth match, the odds were looking ever so slightly in Val’s favor and Angel had to resist the urge to bite his nails. Val bet big this round, seemingly antsy to get this over with, as the flop was revealed as a 10 of clubs, and two Jacks, hearts and spades. Husk held in his hand a 9 and a 10 of hearts; a pair of 10s wasn’t too bad. But when the fourth card was dealt, a Queen of Hearts, Angel noticed Karma gave him a worried look as the man’s fingers flexed against her stomach. Val had gotten something real exciting, and he held his breath as the man announced, “All in.” If he was playing, he would have folded right about now knowing Val wasn’t bluffing. Husk might, might, get a chance for a straight flush if the next card was either an 8 or a King of hearts, but that would be a huge if. All he had now was a pair and that would not be a smart idea to risk busting on a huge if. So tell him why, tell him fucking why, the bastard just pushed all his chips in as well. “All in then,” he grinned and Angel wanted to grab him by the lapel and scream into his face. Was he insane? Valentino smiled, a thick disgusting glob of pink smoke oozing from the corner of his mouth at his sheer excitement of getting to outplay the Luck Demon. They both laid their cards down for there were no more bets to be made, and Angel’s heart got choked up in his throat. Val had a Jack and a Queen, making his hand a full house, and the moth was preparing to throw his hands up in celebration, when the final card was flipped. The whole casino erupted into cheers and laughs and confounded hollers and Angel stared dumbly at the shiny King of hearts, in the image of Val himself, yet for once, Val wasn’t happy to see his own face. Husk sucked his teeth in faux remorse as he shrugged, “Still don’t beat a straight flush, friend. Good try though.” Holy fuck, Angel had to double over before he hurled from the stress. The adrenaline high didn’t last long though before Valentino let out a roar, throwing the poor girl off his lap and flipping the table, growing to his Demonic Form, giant wings flapping up a storm. “You fucking cheated, you pussy ass bitch!!” Husk didn’t flinch, though magic still gathered at his fingertips in preparation as he pulled both Karma and Angel behind him, his shorter stature growing slightly to shield them, “I didn’t cheat shit. Lady Luck just has her eye on me. They don’t call me the Luck Demon for nothin’.” That only enraged the moth demon even more as he huffed and puffed, smokes filling the whole venue as he spat insults and curses to all who had ears. Husk stood up, his size grew and grew with gritted jaw and darkening pupils like a mighty lion about to strike, “I won fair and square, Valentino, everyone here can attest to that. So quit your sulkin’ before you start somethin’ you’re really gonna regret.” “Fuck you!” Valentino began throwing a tantrum, tossing anything and everything in his vicinity. Angel tensed, this was a pathetic sight but it was a familiar one, one that preceded him being punished and abused for the crime of being in Val’s presence when he was in a bad mood. He locked eyes with the furious overlord and recognized that look instantly, as one of Val’s hands shot out towards him, a desperate grasp for what he felt he was owed. But he didn’t get a chance to get close before Husk pounced on him, the hair on his back standing up on end and trembling with anger. His claws dug into Val’s shoulders as he ripped the demon away, pinning him to the ground with a furious roar. The moth hissed back, a bug’s chittering sound was made from deep within his chest before he hocked up a glob of toxins into Husk’s face. The cat demon flew backwards to get away, trying to wipe the poison off before it could eat at his skin and fur. While he was disoriented, Val summoned a swarm of flesh eating butterflies as it swirled and twisted around Husk’s form. Angel had seen him do this once before, and the victim was nothing but bones when the swarm was done. The horror of that shocked him out of his stupor and he had to do something before Husk met that same fate. He whipped out the pistol he always concealed in his boot as he unloaded his gun at the moth. The bullets were just hellish lead, but they still managed to pierce through his wing while Angel screamed at the top of his lungs, “Val! Fucking stop it!” He knew he wasn’t doing much damage to the giant moth, but he managed to distract him for a single second and that was all it took for Husker to break from the swarm and regain his balance. He immediately conjured a barrage of razor-thin cards that shot at Val at top speed, the blades slicing through the air like bullets as they shredded his already injured wing. Val dropped like a bug with his wing clipped and Husk didn’t give him time to get back up, immediately jumping on him with claws digging into the moth’s head as he bashed it again and again into the ground. Val’s limbs flailed, trying desperately to pull the cat off him, nails tearing at fur and flesh but soon weakening as Husk didn’t relent until he was sure he’d had the shit thoroughly kicked out of him. Their bodies had shrunk back down but Husk was still sitting on top of the moth’s chest, as he coughed and wheezed, eyes glazed over from the head trauma. “Chea
,” he still tried to argue while actively choking on his own blood. Husker snarled, reaching back to pull out a goddamn grenade before he promptly pulled the pin and stuffed it in Val’s gasping jaws. “Since you can still breathe enough to spout nonsense, how ‘bout you hold onto this for me, huh?” Val’s eyes widened in panic as he clamped down on the trigger, distressed noises were muffled by the bomb in his mouth. “This shit is made from angelic steel, so I suggest you keep that fuckin’ trap shut for both our sakes and listen up.” Husk leaned down against the moth’s face and whispered, yet somehow his rumbling voice could still be heard by everyone. “You fuckin’ lost. Deal with it. Now because I’m a goddamn merciful guy, Imma forget this baby tantrum of yours didn’t happen. You can go back to your fuckin’ handlers and tell ‘em what you’ve done yourself, instead of me draggin’ your corpse to their steps. I don’t want no turf wars, so unless you do, don’t ever let me see you in my territory ever again.” He removed the grenade from Val’s mouth and put the pin, and Angel watched in awe as the man actually did not snipe another word. There was genuine fear in his eyes as he held his tongue, bruised and battered face sunken with defeat as he was yanked upright by the collar like a scruffed cat. The casino’s guards immediately flanked him, escorting him out with his tail between his shaky legs. “And Val,” Husk called out and hesitantly, irately, Valentino turned back, “My lawyer and I will be coming over in a week to work out all the details. Expect a call. See ya then.” Angel wanted to laugh, wanted to point and absolutely cackle at the fuming defeated look on Val’s face but he feared that’d rile him up to ask for another beat down. And you really shouldn’t kick a guy while he is down. He let out a snort, who was he kidding, you should most definitely kick a motherfucker like Valentino while he was down. Husker turned to his guests to dissuade their already booming gossiping and clamoring, while Angel himself approached Karma, who wore a despondent look on her face before he placed a gentle hand on her arm, “Guess you’re workin’ for the Luck Demon now, toots.” He gave her a reassuring smile, and she nervously glanced over at the overlord, “Is he
 as cruel as
” “No,” Angel shook his head, “I mean, he’s fucked up in other ways. But no, he ain’t Val’s type of sadistic.” He could tell she was shell-shocked by the sudden change of fate so he began leading her to the employees’ quarters for the night. He needed a bit of space to gather his thoughts anyway. After making sure Karma received her own room and was taken care of by the other employees, he returned after Husk had finished greeting and bidding goodnight to the rest of his guests following that firework ending of an event. The overlord looked exhausted, his fur matted with blood and singed by acid, one of his eyes was squinting from being pecked by the bugs. “Let’s get you cleaned up,” Angel couldn’t muster a smile if he tried, the swirling voices in his head were too loud. They headed back to their suite, as Angel began cleaning up his overlord. He wiped away Husk’s blood in silence as he went over the past thirty minutes. He sewed up his cuts in silence as he looked back on the furious look on Valentino’s face after he lost and wondered how likely he would retaliate for this. He put salves over his acid burns in silence as he recalled how terrified he’d been when Husk almost bet his soul away. As he was putting the medical supplies away, Husk caught his arm, “You’re upset.” Angel shrugged, finding it difficult to meet his eyes. “Well yeah, you’re hurt.” It wasn’t a lie, but it wasn’t the whole truth either. And Husk knew it as he turned him around, intentive eyes boring into him, “Angel.” He didn’t mean it like a command, but Angel couldn’t help but hear it as such after what happened tonight. “You betted on my soul!” He yelled, teeth gnashing as he pulled away from Husk’s grip, feeling himself needing to pace the floor. “Like I’m aware you own it or whateva, but I thought
” He sucked in a breath and debated not saying it, but he just had to, “I thought I meant more to you than that.” He turned away, not wanting to see the confirmation in Husker’s eyes. How fucking stupid was he to fall for his owner. Maybe this was his personal Hell, to make the same mistake again and again, to be punished for wanting to be loved. The cat let out a disappointed sigh. “You really think that? You actually think I don’t care for you?” “You care for me about as much as a piece of property,” he spat back, throwing an icy look at the man, “I wonder which is worth more to you, me or The Stumpy Pete’s.” Now that pissed him right off, as the overlord growled, claws clenching into the desk he was leaning on. “You ain’t my fuckin’ property, Angel.” He pushed off the desk, striding towards him and for a flash moment, he thought he would be hurt for speaking up against his master. But instead of a smack across his face, it was a gentle hand, a firm, but gentle hand, and his head was guided down to be pressed against his overlord’s as he muttered, “But you’re still mine.” Electric crackles of magic flashed behind his golden eyes and Angel felt a tug within his soul, like the chain Val used to yank him around by the throat, but it was a warm feeling, a safe feeling, like his heart was being beckoned home. Husker then uttered a vow as sacred and as binding as his soul contact, “And I always protect what is mine.” Angel positively melted. The devotion, the reverence the other man held for him was physically palpable, was pulling on the chain that tied them and for the first time since he’d been made Husk’s, he realized the man was just as bound to him in turn. So he allowed himself to believe his affection wholeheartedly, as he freed his own from the cage he’d been desperately trying to keep within. He slowly curled his arms around Husker’s shoulders, letting himself be hoisted off the ground. His overlord carried him off and laid him down on their plush bed, lips and teeth grazing against his ear, “I would never gamble with your soul if I ain’t sure I would win.” His soft paws stroked down his sides, making Angle shiver with delight, and those deft fingers skillfully unzipped his dress before he even realized it. He began tugging off Husk’s bowtie, couldn’t help himself but muss up his slicked back hair, relishing in the fact that he was one of the few people who got to see the mighty King of Hearts like this. “I would never have let him take you back, even if it killed me.” Angel gasped as Husk’s magically slicked finger pressed into him, crooking and caressing tenderly and his whole body trembled. “I would never be foolish enough to lose you to anyone.” The words were uttered right into his mouth and he breathed them in, letting them mingle with the ones he’d been holding back himself. “You’re mine.” And Angel had never heard truer words. “I’m yours,” he echoed back, drunk with lust and high from devotion. Husk entered him, their hips rocked together, bringing wave after wave of pleasure that had all of Angel’s walls and pretense falling away. He never had to fake his cries and moans when he was with Husk, never had to wonder if he was doing enough, never had to worry about a thing, for the man was so sickeningly attentive and adoring, it was borderline overwhelming at times. He’d often wondered how the overlord didn’t have a line of admirers out the door, but that only made him feel even more special, and now that he’d felt what Husk’d shown him through their bond, oh that made him feel very special. “I’m yours.” The beck and call was addictive, that feeling of being wanted, of being adored and coveted was not anything he’d experienced before. Even when they were in the throes of it, he knew it wasn’t just something physical, Husk didn’t want just his body, but him, all of him, any of him. “Yes, that’s it, baby. Say it. Say you’re mine.” He could hear how ruined his overlord was by the gruffness of his voice, low and shaky, raspy and choked out like a parched man dying for water. He could feel how desperate his lover wanted him, wanted his attention, wanted his kiss by the way he moved, by the way he touched. He finally realized how thoroughly he’d got the man wrapped around his finger, as he grinned, words breathy and hitched, “You’re mine.” Those golden cat eyes turned into nothing but blown pupils like a predator about to pounce and Angel giggled in preparation before his overlord (his, his, his) descended on him, lips frantically seeking his own, tongue lingeringly tasting him, paws and arms and wings and tail wrapping around him as if fearing he’d dissipated otherwise. He held his lover back, body moving to meet his with every thrust and every breath and he echoed again and again, “You’re mine, you’re mine
” “I’m yours,” Husk whispered just as he reached his climax, body clutching at him as he emptied himself within and Angel consumed him whole, coming right after, shaking and shivering and utterly loved. A while after they had come back down from the high, lazily drifting off to bed together, Angel couldn’t help but ask again, “Did you mean it?” Husk was already halfway asleep, but he perked up, gazing down at him endearingly, “ ‘Course I did.” The anxiety melted away and he was confident he could put that fear to rest. He snuggled closer to his lover, mushing his face into the soft pur and relishing in the purs he let out. “Does that mean you’re gonna give me Val’s studio?” He teased, wholly not expecting the man to agree to it so easily. “Why’d you think I asked for it? You’d be doing a hell of a lot better than that sumbitch. As long as you want to, I mean.” Angel sprung up, the sudden prospect of managing his own adult studio, of getting to be his boss, of creating the work he’d want to create, fuck, it was kinda intense. “What? I was just kiddin’
 Are you sure? I ain’t much of a businessman.” “I can be the businessman for you if you need. You can just worry about the creatives. I know you love your job, honey, but your management fuckin’ sucked the life outta it all. I think you’d do great. Betta. Best.” Husk smiled, genuine and assured, and Angel kissed him dearly, “Thanks, Husky. I don’t even know where to start though.” “We’ll figure it out together. But now let’s not talk business. I was spat on by a toxic insect three hours ago, please lemme sleep.” Angel laughed, folding back into his lover’s arms all warm and snuggly as he started brainstorming all the ideas on how to run his very own studio. He knew he would never trace the same destructive path his former owner had made, and he actually felt hopeful and excited. And then a stray idea interrupted his train of thoughts, “Hey, Husky, do ya think the imps had cleaned up down there? I wonder if they’d gathered up all those porn playin’ cards. I wanna play strip poker with that.” A soft paw landed on his mouth to gently shut it, “Sleep, sweetheart.” “Okay.” I stole the name Hourglass for Husk’s casino from reddit, cuz someone says “it’s a matter of time before your luck runs out”, and I think that’s sick. Also, that whole “Say you’re mine”, “You’re mine” exchange was completely stolen inspired by magnolia_9’swork and it altered my brain chemistry the first time I read it, so send them some love if you wish ❀ You can skip the rest of this if you don’t find an irrelevant rant about made-up magic fun ‘cuz Imma get a lil nerdy and all over the place over here. I headcanon that Husk has powers of probability manipulation. As an overlord of gambling, of chance and luck, I think he is capable of manipulating his fortune to some extent. He doesn’t do it often because it’s super taxing to his energy and power source and it’s risky. I think of it kinda like dunamancy (the Beacon) from Critical Role DnD, the magic of probability. Take that card game with Val specifically, I imagine him using that power to take a peek behind the fabric of reality to see future outcomes. He uses it right before he goes all in, right before the final card is flipped. And the magic lets him see two outcomes: the King of hearts which gives him the win, and a random card like a 3 of spades. He knows those are the two possibilities this next card will be, and he gets to choose if he wants to do nothing, keep his reality where the card is whatever it is right this second, or switch to the other, reach into the other possibility, the other reality. It’s a 50/50 chance, he doesn’t know what the card is right now but he has the chance to switch it if he wants to. So it’s still a gamble, but it’s a better probability than if he hadn’t used his power. It’s technically cheating, but in his mind, he’s still making a gamble, just in a different kind of game than the one they are playing. And I think he personally did nothing in this instance. He chose to stick with this reality, and it turned out to be the King of hearts, making it a win for The King of Hearts. I think it’s poetic. For anyone who read through that, you’re a trooper for indulging a mad woman’s nonsensical rambling. And for everyone else, thank you for reading in general â˜ș❀


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