Jokers Balatro Wiki Fandom

Jokers are special cards at the core of Balatro’s gameplay. Instead of being included in Decks and played alongside standard cards, Jokers are obtained through the Shop and occasionally other means, and are held in the player’s dedicated joker slots until the player sells them or they are… Editions Various editions displayed in the Collection. Jokers can be enhanced with one of four different Editions, resulting in higher shop costs but adding an additional effect:

  • Base (standard card)
  • Foil (+50 Chips)
  • Holographic (+10 Mult)
  • Polychrome (x1.5 Mult)
  • Negative (+1 Joker slot) In higher stakes, Jokers can also appear with Eternal, Perishable, and/or Rental Stickers.


Jokers have four different rarities, denoting how likely they are to appear in a given run: Common, Uncommon, Rare, and Legendary. In general, higher rarity jokers can be more powerful, but when a joker has no direct analogue of a higher rarity, it can be difficult to determine if it is “better”. When generating Jokers at random, there is a 70% chance of generating a Common Joker, a 25% chance of generating an Uncommon Joker, and a 5% chance of generating a Rare Joker. A Legendary Joker can only appear from The Soul Spectral Card.

Important Joker Terms

Jokers have a number of key terms that are vital in understanding how they work.

  • When Scored: The effect triggers when a card is scored. If the card is played but not scored, either from not being part of the scored poker hand or from being debuffed by a Boss Blind, the effect will not trigger.
  • Contains: The hand has the referenced hand as a part of it. For example, a Three of a Kind “contains” a Pair, despite scoring as a Three of a Kind. A Four of a Kind played with five cards of the same suit “contains” a Flush, and will trigger Flush Joker effects. Refer to the hand information in-game for a more detailed breakdown on which hands contain others. Notably, a Four of a Kind is not considered to “contain” Two Pair.
  • Is: In contrast, “poker hand is a pair” means the whole hand is classified as a pair, and the cards played don’t constitute a higher-ranked hand.
  • When Blind is Selected: The effect triggers when you select a Blind. It will not trigger if the Blind is skipped.
  • In Deck: The effect depends on the remaining cards in your deck, not including cards in hand, played or discarded.
  • In Full Deck: This counts some attribute of your complete deck, referencing all cards whether they were drawn, played, discarded, or are held in hand.
  • Add: Adds a playing card to your deck permanently.
  • Destroy: Remove the target card. If a Joker is destroyed, no money or bonuses are gained that selling it would give.
  • Create: Creates a certain type of card, be it a consumable or Joker. This action always requires room for the card in question to take up.
  • Gains: Adds a (usually) permanent effect to the target card. This is usually referring to the Joker with the effect, though not always, as seen with Hiker.
  • Retrigger: This Joker will score a card again under certain conditions outlined by the Joker. This extra score will activate all effects that take place when the card scores, including effects from other Jokers, enhancements, editions, seals (besides Red Seal), and chips from the card itself.
  • Debuffed: This Joker and its edition can no longer trigger. It retains its full sell value (and can still be used by Swashbuckler/Temperance/etc). It can still be targeted by random effects such as Madness or Wheel of Fortune, but not by the Crimson Heart boss blind. (also see Activation type and Activation sequence for additional information)

List of Jokers

Available Jokers show as Not Discovered in the player’s Collection until they are obtained in the course of an unseeded run. Most locked Jokers in the Collection show the unlock condition, and in some cases will show how close the player is to fulfilling that condition. There are also five secret Legendary Jokers that cannot be bought in the store, and get unlocked when obtained through the Soul spectral card. More information on each Joker such as the detail of their interactions and exceptions can be found on that Joker’s respective page. In the table below, the Joker type is shown using the following symbols:

+c Chips Jokers +m Additive Mult Jokers Xm Multiplicative Mult Jokers ++ Chips & Additive Mult Jokers
!! Effect Jokers … Retrigger Jokers +$ Economy Jokers
Nr Joker Effect Cost
1 JokerJoker +4 Mult $2
2 Greedy JokerGreedy Joker Played cards with Diamond suit icon Diamond suit give +3 Mult when scored $5
3 Lusty JokerLusty Joker Played cards with Heart suit icon Heart suit give +3 Mult when scored $5
4 Wrathful JokerWrathful Joker Played cards with Spade suit icon Spade suit give +3 Mult when scored $5
5 Gluttonous JokerGluttonous Joker Played cards with Club suit icon Club suit give +3 Mult when scored $5
6 Jolly JokerJolly Joker +8 Mult if played hand contains a Pair $3
7 Zany JokerZany Joker +12 Mult if played hand contains a Three of a Kind $4
8 Mad JokerMad Joker +10 Mult if played hand contains a Two Pair $4
9 Crazy JokerCrazy Joker +12 Mult if played hand contains a Straight $4
10 Droll JokerDroll Joker +10 Mult if played hand contains a Flush $4
11 Sly JokerSly Joker +50 Chips if played hand contains a Pair $3
12 Wily JokerWily Joker +100 Chips if played hand contains a Three of a Kind $4
13 Clever JokerClever Joker +80 Chips if played hand contains a Two Pair $4
14 Devious JokerDevious Joker +100 Chips if played hand contains a Straight $4
15 Crafty JokerCrafty Joker +80 Chips if played hand contains a Flush $4
16 Half JokerHalf Joker +20 Mult if played hand contains 3 or fewer cards. $5
17 Joker StencilJoker Stencil X1 Mult for each empty Joker slot. Joker Stencil included (Currently X1 Mult) $8
18 Four FingersFour Fingers All Flushes and Straights can be made with 4 cards $7
19 MimeMime Retrigger all card held in hand abilities $5
20 Credit CardCredit Card Go up to -$20 in debt $1
21 Ceremonial DaggerCeremonial Dagger When Blind is selected, destroy Joker to the right and permanently add double its sell value to this Mult(Currently +0 Mult) $6
22 BannerBanner +30 Chips for each remaining discard $5
23 Mystic SummitMystic Summit +15 Mult when 0 discards remaining $5
24 Marble JokerMarble Joker Adds one Stone card to the deck when Blind is selected $6
25 Loyalty CardLoyalty Card x4 Mult every 6 hands played 5 remaining $5
26 8 Ball8 Ball 1 in 4 chance for each played 8 to create a Tarot card when scored(Must have room) $5
27 MisprintMisprint +? Mult $4
28 DuskDusk Retrigger all played cards in final hand of the round $5
29 Raised FistRaised Fist Adds double the rank of lowest ranked card held in hand to Mult $5
30 Chaos the ClownChaos the Clown 1 free Reroll per shop $4
31 FibonacciFibonacci Each played Ace, 2, 3, 5, or 8 gives +8 Mult when scored $8
32 Steel JokerSteel Joker Gives X0.2 Mult for each Steel Card in your full deck(Currently X1 Mult) $7
33 Scary FaceScary Face Played face cards give +30 Chips when scored $4
34 Abstract JokerAbstract Joker +3 Mult for each Joker card (Currently +0 Mult) $4
35 Delayed GratificationDelayed Gratification Earn $2 per discard if no discards are used by end of the round $4
36 HackHack Retrigger each played 2, 3, 4, or 5 $6
37 PareidoliaPareidolia All cards are considered face cards $5
38 Gros MichelGros Michel +15 Mult1 in 6 chance this is destroyed at the end of round. $5
39 Even StevenEven Steven Played cards with even rank give +4 Mult when scored (10, 8, 6, 4, 2) $4
40 Odd ToddOdd Todd Played cards with odd rank give +31 Chips when scored (A, 9, 7, 5, 3) $4
41 ScholarScholar Played Aces give +20 Chips and +4 Mult when scored $4
42 Business CardBusiness Card Played face cards have a 1 in 2 chance to give $2 when scored $4
43 SupernovaSupernova Adds the number of times poker hand has been played this run to Mult $5
44 Ride the BusRide the Bus This Joker gains +1 Mult per consecutive hand played without a scoring face card (Currently +0 Mult) $6
45 Space JokerSpace Joker 1 in 4 chance to upgrade level of played poker hand $5
46 EggEgg Gains $3 of sell value at end of round $4
47 BurglarBurglar When Blind is selected, gain +3Hands and lose all discards $6
48 BlackboardBlackboard X3 Mult if all cards held in hand are Spade suit icon Spades or Club suit icon Clubs $6
49 RunnerRunner Gains +15 Chips if played hand contains a Straight(Currently +0 Chips) $5
50 Ice CreamIce Cream +100 Chips-5 Chips for every hand played $5
51 DNADNA If first hand of round has only 1 card, add a permanent copy to deck and draw it to hand $8
52 SplashSplash Every played card counts in scoring $3
53 Blue JokerBlue Joker +2 Chips for each remaining card in deck(Currently +104 Chips) $5
54 Sixth SenseSixth Sense If first hand of round is a single 6, destroy it and create a Spectral card (Must have room) $6
55 ConstellationConstellation This Joker gains X0.1 Mult every time a Planet card is used (Currently X1 Mult) $6
56 HikerHiker Every played card permanently gains +5 Chips when scored $5
57 Faceless JokerFaceless Joker Earn $5 if 3 or more face cards are discarded at the same time $4
58 Green JokerGreen Joker +1 Mult per hand played -1 Mult per discard (Currently +0 Mult) $4
59 SuperpositionSuperposition Create a Tarot card if poker hand contains an Ace and a Straight(Must have room) $4
60 To Do ListTo Do List Earn $4 if poker hand is a Poker Hand, poker hand changes at end of round $4
61 CavendishCavendish X3 Mult1 in 1000 chance this card is destroyed at the end of round $4
62 Card SharpCard Sharp X3 Mult if played poker hand has already been played this round $6
63 Red CardRed Card This Joker gains +3 Mult when any Booster Pack is skipped (Currently +0 Mult) $5
64 MadnessMadness When Small Blind or Big Blind is selected, gain X0.5 Mult and destroy a random Joker (Currently X1 Mult) $7
65 Square JokerSquare Joker This Joker gains +4 Chips if played hand has exactly 4 cards (Currently 0 Chips) $4
66 SéanceSéance If poker hand is a Straight Flush, create a random Spectral card (Must have room) $6
67 Riff-RaffRiff-Raff When Blind is selected, create 2CommonJokers(Must have room) $6
68 VampireVampire This Joker gains X0.1 Mult per scoring Enhanced card played, removes card Enhancement(Currently X1 Mult) $7
69 ShortcutShortcut Allows Straights to be made with gaps of 1 rank(ex: 10 8 6 5 3) $7
70 HologramHologram This Joker gains X0.25 Mult every time a playing card is added to your deck (Currently X1 Mult) $7
71 VagabondVagabond Create a Tarot card if hand is played with $4 or less $8
72 BaronBaron Each King held in hand gives X1.5 Mult $8
73 Cloud 9Cloud 9 Earn $1 for each 9 in your full deck at end of round (Currently $4) $7
74 RocketRocket Earn $1 at end of round. Payout increases by $2 when Boss Blind is defeated $6
75 ObeliskObelisk This Joker gains X0.2 Mult per consecutive hand played without playing your most played poker hand(Currently X1 Mult) $8
76 Midas MaskMidas Mask All played face cards become Gold cards when scored $7
77 LuchadorLuchador Sell this card to disable the current Boss Blind $5
78 PhotographPhotograph First played face card gives X2 Mult when scored $5
79 Gift CardGift Card Add $1 of sell value to every Joker and Consumable card at end of round $6
80 Turtle BeanTurtle Bean +5 hand size, reduces by 1 each round $6
81 ErosionErosion +4 Mult for each card below the deck’s starting size in your full deck (Currently +0 Mult) $6
82 Reserved ParkingReserved Parking Each face card held in hand has a 1 in 2 chance to give $1 $6
83 Mail-In RebateMail-In Rebate Earn $5 for each discarded rank, rank changes every round $4
84 To the MoonTo the Moon Earn an extra $1 of interest for every $5 you have at end of round $5
85 HallucinationHallucination 1 in 2 chance to create a Tarot card when any Booster Pack is opened (Must have room) $4
86 Fortune TellerFortune Teller +1 Mult per Tarot card used this run (Currently +0) $6
87 JugglerJuggler +1 hand size $4
88 DrunkardDrunkard +1 discard each round $4
89 Stone JokerStone Joker Gives +25 Chips for each Stone Card in your full deck(Currently +0 Chips) $6
90 Golden JokerGolden Joker Earn $4 at end of round $6
91 Lucky CatLucky Cat This Joker gains X0.25 Mult every time a Lucky card successfully triggers (Currently X1 Mult) $6
92 Baseball CardBaseball Card Uncommon Jokers each give X1.5 Mult $8
93 BullBull +2 Chips for each $1 you have (Currently +0 Chips) $6
94 Diet ColaDiet Cola Sell this card to create a free Double Tag $6
95 Trading CardTrading Card If first discard of round has only 1 card, destroy it and earn $3 $6
96 Flash CardFlash Card This Joker gains +2 Mult per reroll in the shop(Currently +0 Mult) $5
97 PopcornPopcorn +20 Mult-4 Mult per round played $5
98 Spare TrousersSpare Trousers This Joker gains +2 Mult if played hand contains a Two Pair(Currently +0 Mult) $6
99 Ancient JokerAncient Joker Each played card with suit gives X1.5 Mult when scored, suit changes at end of round $8
100 RamenRamen X2 Mult, loses X0.01 Mult per card discarded $6
101 Walkie TalkieWalkie Talkie Each played 10 or 4 gives +10 Chips and +4 Mult when scored $4
102 SeltzerSeltzer Retrigger all cards played for the next 10 hands $6
103 CastleCastle This Joker gains +3 Chips per discarded Suit card, suit changes every round (Currently +0 Chips) $6
104 Smiley FaceSmiley Face Played face cards give +5 Mult when scored $4
105 CampfireCampfire This Joker gains X0.25 Mult for each card sold, resets when Boss Blind is defeated (Currently X1 Mult) $9
106 Golden TicketGolden Ticket Played Gold cards earn $4 when scored $5
107 Mr. BonesMr. Bones Prevents Death if chips scored are at least 25% of required chips self destructs $5
108 AcrobatAcrobat X3 Mult on final hand of round $6
109 Sock and BuskinSock and Buskin Retrigger all played face cards $6
110 SwashbucklerSwashbuckler Adds the sell value of all other owned Jokers to Mult (Currently +1 Mult) $4
111 TroubadourTroubadour +2 hand size, -1 hand per round $6
112 CertificateCertificate When round begins, add a random playing card with a random seal to your hand $6
113 Smeared JokerSmeared Joker Heart suit icon Hearts and Diamond suit icon Diamonds count as the same suit, Spade suit icon Spades and Club suit icon Clubs count as the same suit $7
114 ThrowbackThrowback X0.25 Mult for each Blind skipped this run (Currently X1 Mult) $6
115 Hanging ChadHanging Chad Retrigger first played card used in scoring 2 additional times $4
116 Rough GemRough Gem Played cards with Diamond suit icon Diamond suit earn $1 when scored $7
117 BloodstoneBloodstone 1 in 2 chance for played cards with Heart suit icon Heart suit to give X1.5 Mult when scored $7
118 ArrowheadArrowhead Played cards with Spade suit icon Spade suit give +50 Chips when scored $7
119 Onyx AgateOnyx Agate Played cards with Club suit icon Club suit give +7 Mult when scored $7
120 Glass JokerGlass Joker This Joker gains X0.75 Mult for every Glass Card that is destroyed (Currently X1 Mult) $6
121 ShowmanShowman Joker, Tarot, Planet, and Spectral cards may appear multiple times $5
122 Flower PotFlower Pot X3 Mult if poker hand contains a Diamond suit icon Diamond card, Club suit icon Club card, Heart suit icon Heart card, and Spade suit icon Spade card $6
123 BlueprintBlueprint Copies ability of Joker to the right $10
124 Wee JokerWee Joker This Joker gains +8 Chips when each played 2 is scored (Currently +0 Chips) $8
125 Merry AndyMerry Andy +3 discards each round, -1 hand size $7
126 Oops! All 6sOops! All 6s Doubles all listedprobabilities(ex: 1 in 3 -> 2 in 3) $4
127 The IdolThe Idol Each played rank of suit gives X2 Mult when scoredCard changes every round $6
128 Seeing DoubleSeeing Double X2 Mult if played hand has a scoring Club card and a scoring card of any other suit $6
129 MatadorMatador Earn $8 if played hand triggers the Boss Blind ability $7
130 Hit the RoadHit the Road This Joker gains X0.5 Mult for every Jack discarded this round (Currently X1 Mult) $8
131 The DuoThe Duo x2 Mult if played hand contains a Pair $8
132 The TrioThe Trio X3 Mult if played hand contains a Three of a Kind $8
133 The FamilyThe Family X4 Mult if played hand contains a Four of a Kind $8
134 The OrderThe Order X3 Mult if played hand contains a Straight $8
135 The TribeThe Tribe x2 Mult if played hand contains a Flush $8
136 StuntmanStuntman +250 Chips,-2 hand size $7
137 Invisible JokerInvisible Joker After 2 rounds, sell this card to Duplicate a random Joker (Currently 0/2)(Removes Negative from copy) $8
138 BrainstormBrainstorm Copies the ability of leftmost Joker $10
139 SatelliteSatellite Earn $1 at end of round per unique Planet card used this run $6
140 Shoot the MoonShoot the Moon Each Queen held in hand gives +13 Mult $5
141 Driver’s LicenseDriver’s License x3 Mult if you have at least 16 Enhanced cards in your full deck (Currently 0) $7
142 CartomancerCartomancer Create a Tarot card when Blind is selected (Must have room) $6
143 AstronomerAstronomer All Planet cards and Celestial Packs in the shop are free $8
144 Burnt JokerBurnt Joker Upgrade the level of the first discarded poker hand each round $6
145 BootstrapsBootstraps +2 Mult for every $5 you have (Currently +0 Mult) $7
146 CanioCanio This Joker gains X1 Mult when a face card is destroyed (Currently X1 Mult) N/A
147 TribouletTriboulet Played Kings and Queens each give x2 Mult when scored N/A
148 YorickYorick This Joker gains X1 Mult every 2323 cards discarded(Currently X1 Mult) N/A
149 ChicotChicot Disables effect of every Boss Blind N/A
150 PerkeoPerkeo Creates a Negative copy of 1 random consumable card in your possession at the end of the shop N/A
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