Golden hearts - Chapter 1 - Emssmutcorner - Hazbin Hotel (Cartoon) Archive of Our Own

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Rating: - Not Rated

Archive Warnings: - Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings

  • Graphic Depictions Of Violence

Categories: - F/F

  • F/M
  • M/M
  • Multi

Fandom: - Hazbin Hotel (Cartoon)

Relationships: - Lucifer Magne | Morningstar/Reader

  • Alastor (Hazbin Hotel)/Reader
  • Vox (Hazbin Hotel)/Reader
  • Adam (Hazbin Hotel)/Reader
  • Alastor & Overlords (Hazbin Hotel)

Characters: - Charlie Magne | Morningstar

  • Lucifer Magne | Morningstar
  • Vox (Hazbin Hotel)
  • Valentino (Hazbin Hotel)
  • Velvette (Hazbin Hotel)
  • Overlords (Hazbin Hotel)
  • Alastor (Hazbin Hotel)
  • Angel Dust (Hazbin Hotel)
  • Husk (Hazbin Hotel)
  • Vaggie (Hazbin Hotel)
  • Adam (Hazbin Hotel)
  • Niffty (Hazbin Hotel)

Additional Tags: - Smut

  • Rough Sex
  • Enemies to Lovers
  • Angels
  • Reader-Insert
  • Yandere
  • Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer TV) Needs A Hug
  • Cinnamon Roll Charlie Magne | Morningstar
  • Non Sex-Repulsed Asexual Alastor (Hazbin Hotel)

Language: English Stats:Published:2024-04-05Updated:2024-04-10Words:9,541Chapters:4/?Comments:27Kudos:184Bookmarks:42Hits:4,022

Golden hearts



What if Charlie was supported by an Angel after the meeting with Adam.

What would happen if that angel likes hell better and wants to sin.

What would happen if this angel could break soul contracts, heal souls and believes in redemption.

What if that angel is now being watched with eyes of obsession.


Some art i did for the angelic form of reader.

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Chapter 1: Redemption? Interesting.

Chapter Text

“That dumb slut Lucifer’s daughter, she told me she wanted to redeem sinners! Can you fucking believe that bitch ?”

Adam’s loud voice made your ears hurt as he bitched about ‘Chadly?Charles? Christy?’ person from hell. You just stood with a cup of ice cream as both of you were at an ice cream shop enjoying another great day in heaven.

But if you were honset to yourself Adam made your life much more difficult in heaven just for existing and now he won’t leave you alone since you are the ‘Best babe in heaven and a total hottie he wouldn’t mind calling mommy’ which earned him a taste of the pretty white gravel below and no mercy to your attacks until his 2nd hand angel had to stop you but not before you ripped off his wings and one of her’s but they would grow back easily in an hour but that wasn’t the point.

Sera had punished you with being Adam’s babysitter in heaven which totally ruined your original job you were created for that no other angel knew but the man upstairs did.

It was always hidden to everyone else but the job title you said you had was vague to not reveal anything.

“Lucifer’s daughter? Said they wanted to redeem sinners?” You asked with a raised eyebrow and a smile painted on your face as you waited for him to answer you.

“Yeah, that dumb cunt said she was going to make sinners become pure souls enough to send them up to heaven! As if we want them shitty souls up here with us! Hell is forever, they had their shot and they earned damnation far and square!”

He was angrily shoving ice cream into his mask making you laugh at him “So you told her it wasn’t possible, correct ?”

Questioning his actions as you broke the spoon you were holding your nails sharpened as you heard his words and thoughts. “Yeah! She was just wasting both of our time talking about that shit! Plus she wanted to stop our fun now yearly extermination but now it’s every six months! Hahaha.”

“You fucking useless piece of shit.“Your voice became deeper and glanced both ways before grabbing Adam by his collar and flying up and away from the citizens of heaven. You threw him through the walls of your house and he screamed in pain as you broke the wall of your outer house but you didn’t stop there, you couldn’t it was against your nature to stop after he triggered your main job into action.

“Woah what the fuck babe! What’s with the attitude all of a sudden.” But Adam despite being in pain just wiggled his eyebrows “Oh are you finally giving in to my charm? I’m glad but I don’t it too rough babe.~”

You released him, by slamming his face into the floor breaking his nose with ease but it would heal in 30 seconds because of his power.

“Adam you fucking dumbass! Redemption is possible and now you just made me have to step in and clean up your fucking mess !” Adam just looked at you with a head tilt"It’s possible? No fucking way it is!”

“Did you fucking forget who I am?” Adam just let out a laugh.

“Oh fuck! You have to go check on the little rejects braat ! Hah that’s so fucking funny!”

You glared at him and shoved your heel straight through his knee causing him to scream but you had to limit your actions because you were now on a timer because of his actions and his little bitch ‘Lute’ would be here soon.

“My job is to watch over all souls and judge them , and that includes sinner souls! Now that you said it’s not possible to redeem a soul I know have to go judge the sinners now to see if they qualify for redemption.” You let out an angry huff and walked away from him.

He is so lucky he was given a pass from the man upstairs because his soul would have been sent down after you judged him but you were only created to judge souls, not true angels and hellborn.

You watch over everyone that shows up at the gate but now with the news of souls trying to get better and hell you are now required to watch over them.

“Let me save you time babe , the answer is no.” You glance at him and smiled sweetly.

“Adam, darling, you just made my day actually much better now that I think of it.”

“I will always make you feel good babes, we gonna have a goodbye fuck now because if so I’m totally down.” You punched him in the face before laughing.

“Nah ‘babes’ you just lost your babysitter and I’m more thankful I have to go to hell and abandon you here.“He paused with displeasure before looking rageful at you after realization hit his mind.

“What the hell, no no babe you aren’t going anywhere!”

“I will now leave you in the care of Sera and Lute , maybe I’ll see you at the Extermnation~ But hopefully not , also I know you have a bad dick game~”

You smiled and waved your hand on the floor as you opened up a portal to hell, right where you could see the ‘Habzin Hotel’.

It seemed a bit dirty, falling apart but it isn’t a problem to you.

You have lived and stayed in earth a few times to correctly judge a soul and put yourself into their shoes, thanks to you a few ‘sinners’ were sent to heaven and you stopped them from falling at the gate and judged them. You were interested to see what sinner’s souls would love like when they changed and you were excited to have a little fun down there.

Maybe indulging yourself in some sin, it didn’t matter to you about what would heaven think of you and you knew Adam would be watching you down there as he spied on you probably with the help of Sera.

If you were to fall it didn’t mean anything to you since you’ve seen many Heavenborn deserve hell or being erased permanently.

Besides being anywhere with no Adam near was a blessing that you could never pass up in your life, you wondered if you would be welcomed or if would you have to fight some sinners. If you did you would enjoy what they would try to do before they were completely helpless.

But before you could jump down you felt the presence of a higher power than Adam.

Sera was here in a flash making you sigh and close the portal, turning around to look at her with a glare.“Sera.”

“(Y/n), you aren’t allowed to aid that hellborn. That goes against Heaven’s rules.” Sera was as strict as one could be in Heaven.

Sera stood next to Adam as he smiled with victory.

“Yeah babes, you heard the head bitch in charge.” Adam earned himself a glare from Sera but that wouldn’t make him stop.

“Sera , the rules are ones the high council made not the ones the man upstairs made. I will not allow you to order me around when I’m the one that outranks you here.” You smiled before pulling out a golden scroll and displaying it in the face of Sera.

“Our rules protect heaven’s order which is one of everyone’s job here, although you may outrank me and everyone else. You still can be judged to fall, so I suggest you don’t go down there to aid those sinners.” You had to take a step back and frown.

“You are threatening me ? Sera , are you insanse ? Sudical? or just plain dumb?” Your wings spread out growing bigger , your feet turned into ones a bird would have , your tail feather shot out, your hands shaped into claws as your face turned sharp with a beak.

You looked like a phoenix as golden flames surrounded your feathers, watching Sera and Adam back up made your grin cruel and vicious.

“Calm down babes” Adam was sweating and shook with fear as you glanced waiting for Sera to go into action.

“(Y/n) , are you really going to attack one of your kind?”

“I don’t plan to attack, I plan to kill you Sera. To think you became so ill-mannered in front of me, the only reason I listened to your words was because it benefited my job. Now you stand before me and think you can control my actions and stop me from my job?”

You tilted your head as Sera looked at you with slight fear and anger at your words, since she is one of the rules around Heaven she should know Heavenborns can not refuse to do their job if they do they either fall or are killed.

“But the rules are approved by him.”

“Sera you are telling me to refuse , which would either kill me or make me fall. Then you tell me if I do my job I will be breaking the rules and will fall. Sera , I’m going to rip those wings of yours off ,rip off that halo of yours and leave you bleeding on the floor then I will go on with my job.”

You rushed her before you finished your words, grabbing the halo of her head and crushing it with your claws , watching as she screamed in pain as you continued your attack by tearing he wings off in an instant as she fell to the floor with Adam watching her in shock, you had never once attacked anyone besides him.

But you were tearing into Sera as she screamed, you were just smiling the whole time"Stop!!!” Sera started to struggle only making you laugh harder.

“Sera , people like you who think they are stronger need to learn a lesson this way or else you will never learn. Will you ?”

“And after I’m done with you , I will go down to hell and help those hellborn! And you can do fucking nothing against me. Isn’t that so sad for you ? I will gladly choose to follow my job duties so you better kill me during the extermination down there.”

You let go of her and threw her to the floor as you opened the portal below, snapping your fingers you turned into a more sinner-like appearance.

Your skin turned a light gray , eyes changed your golden hues to a chilling black hue, you still had your wings but they were now a dark black, your hands became sharp like claws and your outfit was now a gothic black dress with a red corset belt, long sleeves that stuck onto your hand, fishnets and high heeled black heels were on your foot along with your holy sword that was now black red long scissors and your strings were still golden and wrapped around your fingers showing the power that made you the highest rank in Heaven.

The power to control a soul, break soul contracts, cut souls, and heal them by sewing them back up again.

This was your job and now you are a fallen according to Heaven apparently but you were happy to not go back now that sinner’s souls need help.

“You will not be welcomed back in Heaven if you leave now !” Adam and Sera both screamed at you although they had no power to actually stop you now, you just smiled and flicked them off as you dived into the portal.

“I will happily leave Heaven if this is the path you have picked, you are breaking the order of our jobs for this.” The portal closed as you flew straight to the hotel that was down below, this was a great day in hell and heaven now that you have left the delusion people in heaven.

Knocking at the hotel’s door you stood at the front door with a cheer smile as the door opened revealing a tired and panic-looking demon with long blonde hair, she was taller than you but only a few inches maybe, you were only 5'6 so she must be at least 6'2 if not taller.

Her face changed in an instant as she looked at you with sparkling eyes and grabbed your hands with excitement.

“Oh my! Welcome to the Hazbin hotel are you here for redemption? So lovely to meet you. I’m Charlie, I’m the owner of this hotel! Omg, I’m so happy to have another guest !!” She dragged you inside but you were just smiling and nodding your head at her as you enjoyed the warmth you felt from her soul.

“I am (Y/n), I’m here to join you. I believe that redemption is completely possible and I want to see if ‘I’ can be redeemed.”

You smiled as you watched her face shine brighter at the news and dragged you over to the common area where more people were sitting watching the TV.


You had flinched back at her yelling but you could tell she didn’t mean any harm from it at all , you nodded and stepped out of her grip once the moth-looking sinner looked at you and pulled Charlie away from you to calm her down.

“Babe , relax you might be scaring the guest.”

“Oh , no ! I’m so so so so sorry about that, I’m just so happy someone actually believes in redemption!!”

You laughed at her and smiled walking in front of the TV to catch everyone’s eyes.

“No problem , princess. I’m actually here to tell you redemption is completely possible since I’m the one who watches over all the souls that came to the gate but once I found out Adam had told you it was impossible to redeem a sinner soul I had to come and tell you it’s not.”

You smiled as everyone gasped at your words, you also heard a loud static noise from the deer-looking sinner.

You saw Charlie’s eyes widen before tears started to fall making you frown at the crying demon. Did you say something rude?

“Holy fuck no way !” You glanced at the spider sinner who looked just as shocked and the moth sinner and cat sinner just glared at you in disbelief. You saw a tiny maid-looking demon just laugh insanely at your word.

“Are you okay , Charlie?“You asked her as the moth sinner hugged her as she was crying but you saw a huge smile on her face as she cried.

“NO, I’m better then okay !!! Redemption is possible !”

“Can we really believe her? She could be lying you know?“The moth sinner said so you glanced at her soul and sent a smile at what you found"Yeah she could be lying to you toots”

“Ah, so you need prove right?” You smile before snapping your fingers as a holy light shoots down at you as the sinner form melts away and the angelic form comes back.

“Do you believe me now ?”



What if Charlie was supported by an Angel after the meeting with Adam.

What would happen if that angel likes hell better and wants to sin.

What would happen if this angel could break soul contracts, heal souls and believes in redemption.

What if that angel is now being watched with eyes of obsession.

What if Charlie was supported by an Angel after the meeting with Adam.

What would happen if that angel likes hell better and wants to sin.

What would happen if this angel could break soul contracts, heal souls and believes in redemption.

What if that angel is now being watched with eyes of obsession.


Some art i did for the angelic form of reader.

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Some art i did for the angelic form of reader.

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

“That dumb slut Lucifer’s daughter, she told me she wanted to redeem sinners! Can you fucking believe that bitch ?”

Adam’s loud voice made your ears hurt as he bitched about ‘Chadly?Charles? Christy?’ person from hell. You just stood with a cup of ice cream as both of you were at an ice cream shop enjoying another great day in heaven.

But if you were honset to yourself Adam made your life much more difficult in heaven just for existing and now he won’t leave you alone since you are the ‘Best babe in heaven and a total hottie he wouldn’t mind calling mommy’ which earned him a taste of the pretty white gravel below and no mercy to your attacks until his 2nd hand angel had to stop you but not before you ripped off his wings and one of her’s but they would grow back easily in an hour but that wasn’t the point.

Sera had punished you with being Adam’s babysitter in heaven which totally ruined your original job you were created for that no other angel knew but the man upstairs did.

It was always hidden to everyone else but the job title you said you had was vague to not reveal anything.

“Lucifer’s daughter? Said they wanted to redeem sinners?” You asked with a raised eyebrow and a smile painted on your face as you waited for him to answer you.

“Yeah, that dumb cunt said she was going to make sinners become pure souls enough to send them up to heaven! As if we want them shitty souls up here with us! Hell is forever, they had their shot and they earned damnation far and square!”

He was angrily shoving ice cream into his mask making you laugh at him “So you told her it wasn’t possible, correct ?”

Questioning his actions as you broke the spoon you were holding your nails sharpened as you heard his words and thoughts. “Yeah! She was just wasting both of our time talking about that shit! Plus she wanted to stop our fun now yearly extermination but now it’s every six months! Hahaha.”

“You fucking useless piece of shit.“Your voice became deeper and glanced both ways before grabbing Adam by his collar and flying up and away from the citizens of heaven. You threw him through the walls of your house and he screamed in pain as you broke the wall of your outer house but you didn’t stop there, you couldn’t it was against your nature to stop after he triggered your main job into action.

“Woah what the fuck babe! What’s with the attitude all of a sudden.” But Adam despite being in pain just wiggled his eyebrows “Oh are you finally giving in to my charm? I’m glad but I don’t it too rough babe.~”

You released him, by slamming his face into the floor breaking his nose with ease but it would heal in 30 seconds because of his power.

“Adam you fucking dumbass! Redemption is possible and now you just made me have to step in and clean up your fucking mess !” Adam just looked at you with a head tilt"It’s possible? No fucking way it is!”

“Did you fucking forget who I am?” Adam just let out a laugh.

“Oh fuck! You have to go check on the little rejects braat ! Hah that’s so fucking funny!”

You glared at him and shoved your heel straight through his knee causing him to scream but you had to limit your actions because you were now on a timer because of his actions and his little bitch ‘Lute’ would be here soon.

“My job is to watch over all souls and judge them , and that includes sinner souls! Now that you said it’s not possible to redeem a soul I know have to go judge the sinners now to see if they qualify for redemption.” You let out an angry huff and walked away from him.

He is so lucky he was given a pass from the man upstairs because his soul would have been sent down after you judged him but you were only created to judge souls, not true angels and hellborn.

You watch over everyone that shows up at the gate but now with the news of souls trying to get better and hell you are now required to watch over them.

“Let me save you time babe , the answer is no.” You glance at him and smiled sweetly.

“Adam, darling, you just made my day actually much better now that I think of it.”

“I will always make you feel good babes, we gonna have a goodbye fuck now because if so I’m totally down.” You punched him in the face before laughing.

“Nah ‘babes’ you just lost your babysitter and I’m more thankful I have to go to hell and abandon you here.“He paused with displeasure before looking rageful at you after realization hit his mind.

“What the hell, no no babe you aren’t going anywhere!”

“I will now leave you in the care of Sera and Lute , maybe I’ll see you at the Extermnation~ But hopefully not , also I know you have a bad dick game~”

You smiled and waved your hand on the floor as you opened up a portal to hell, right where you could see the ‘Habzin Hotel’.

It seemed a bit dirty, falling apart but it isn’t a problem to you.

You have lived and stayed in earth a few times to correctly judge a soul and put yourself into their shoes, thanks to you a few ‘sinners’ were sent to heaven and you stopped them from falling at the gate and judged them. You were interested to see what sinner’s souls would love like when they changed and you were excited to have a little fun down there.

Maybe indulging yourself in some sin, it didn’t matter to you about what would heaven think of you and you knew Adam would be watching you down there as he spied on you probably with the help of Sera.

If you were to fall it didn’t mean anything to you since you’ve seen many Heavenborn deserve hell or being erased permanently.

Besides being anywhere with no Adam near was a blessing that you could never pass up in your life, you wondered if you would be welcomed or if would you have to fight some sinners. If you did you would enjoy what they would try to do before they were completely helpless.

But before you could jump down you felt the presence of a higher power than Adam.

Sera was here in a flash making you sigh and close the portal, turning around to look at her with a glare.“Sera.”

“(Y/n), you aren’t allowed to aid that hellborn. That goes against Heaven’s rules.” Sera was as strict as one could be in Heaven.

Sera stood next to Adam as he smiled with victory.

“Yeah babes, you heard the head bitch in charge.” Adam earned himself a glare from Sera but that wouldn’t make him stop.

“Sera , the rules are ones the high council made not the ones the man upstairs made. I will not allow you to order me around when I’m the one that outranks you here.” You smiled before pulling out a golden scroll and displaying it in the face of Sera.

“Our rules protect heaven’s order which is one of everyone’s job here, although you may outrank me and everyone else. You still can be judged to fall, so I suggest you don’t go down there to aid those sinners.” You had to take a step back and frown.

“You are threatening me ? Sera , are you insanse ? Sudical? or just plain dumb?” Your wings spread out growing bigger , your feet turned into ones a bird would have , your tail feather shot out, your hands shaped into claws as your face turned sharp with a beak.

You looked like a phoenix as golden flames surrounded your feathers, watching Sera and Adam back up made your grin cruel and vicious.

“Calm down babes” Adam was sweating and shook with fear as you glanced waiting for Sera to go into action.

“(Y/n) , are you really going to attack one of your kind?”

“I don’t plan to attack, I plan to kill you Sera. To think you became so ill-mannered in front of me, the only reason I listened to your words was because it benefited my job. Now you stand before me and think you can control my actions and stop me from my job?”

You tilted your head as Sera looked at you with slight fear and anger at your words, since she is one of the rules around Heaven she should know Heavenborns can not refuse to do their job if they do they either fall or are killed.

“But the rules are approved by him.”

“Sera you are telling me to refuse , which would either kill me or make me fall. Then you tell me if I do my job I will be breaking the rules and will fall. Sera , I’m going to rip those wings of yours off ,rip off that halo of yours and leave you bleeding on the floor then I will go on with my job.”

You rushed her before you finished your words, grabbing the halo of her head and crushing it with your claws , watching as she screamed in pain as you continued your attack by tearing he wings off in an instant as she fell to the floor with Adam watching her in shock, you had never once attacked anyone besides him.

But you were tearing into Sera as she screamed, you were just smiling the whole time"Stop!!!” Sera started to struggle only making you laugh harder.

“Sera , people like you who think they are stronger need to learn a lesson this way or else you will never learn. Will you ?”

“And after I’m done with you , I will go down to hell and help those hellborn! And you can do fucking nothing against me. Isn’t that so sad for you ? I will gladly choose to follow my job duties so you better kill me during the extermination down there.”

You let go of her and threw her to the floor as you opened the portal below, snapping your fingers you turned into a more sinner-like appearance.

Your skin turned a light gray , eyes changed your golden hues to a chilling black hue, you still had your wings but they were now a dark black, your hands became sharp like claws and your outfit was now a gothic black dress with a red corset belt, long sleeves that stuck onto your hand, fishnets and high heeled black heels were on your foot along with your holy sword that was now black red long scissors and your strings were still golden and wrapped around your fingers showing the power that made you the highest rank in Heaven.

The power to control a soul, break soul contracts, cut souls, and heal them by sewing them back up again.

This was your job and now you are a fallen according to Heaven apparently but you were happy to not go back now that sinner’s souls need help.

“You will not be welcomed back in Heaven if you leave now !” Adam and Sera both screamed at you although they had no power to actually stop you now, you just smiled and flicked them off as you dived into the portal.

“I will happily leave Heaven if this is the path you have picked, you are breaking the order of our jobs for this.” The portal closed as you flew straight to the hotel that was down below, this was a great day in hell and heaven now that you have left the delusion people in heaven.

Knocking at the hotel’s door you stood at the front door with a cheer smile as the door opened revealing a tired and panic-looking demon with long blonde hair, she was taller than you but only a few inches maybe, you were only 5'6 so she must be at least 6'2 if not taller.

Her face changed in an instant as she looked at you with sparkling eyes and grabbed your hands with excitement.

“Oh my! Welcome to the Hazbin hotel are you here for redemption? So lovely to meet you. I’m Charlie, I’m the owner of this hotel! Omg, I’m so happy to have another guest !!” She dragged you inside but you were just smiling and nodding your head at her as you enjoyed the warmth you felt from her soul.

“I am (Y/n), I’m here to join you. I believe that redemption is completely possible and I want to see if ‘I’ can be redeemed.”

You smiled as you watched her face shine brighter at the news and dragged you over to the common area where more people were sitting watching the TV.


You had flinched back at her yelling but you could tell she didn’t mean any harm from it at all , you nodded and stepped out of her grip once the moth-looking sinner looked at you and pulled Charlie away from you to calm her down.

“Babe , relax you might be scaring the guest.”

“Oh , no ! I’m so so so so sorry about that, I’m just so happy someone actually believes in redemption!!”

You laughed at her and smiled walking in front of the TV to catch everyone’s eyes.

“No problem , princess. I’m actually here to tell you redemption is completely possible since I’m the one who watches over all the souls that came to the gate but once I found out Adam had told you it was impossible to redeem a sinner soul I had to come and tell you it’s not.”

You smiled as everyone gasped at your words, you also heard a loud static noise from the deer-looking sinner.

You saw Charlie’s eyes widen before tears started to fall making you frown at the crying demon. Did you say something rude?

“Holy fuck no way !” You glanced at the spider sinner who looked just as shocked and the moth sinner and cat sinner just glared at you in disbelief. You saw a tiny maid-looking demon just laugh insanely at your word.

“Are you okay , Charlie?“You asked her as the moth sinner hugged her as she was crying but you saw a huge smile on her face as she cried.

“NO, I’m better then okay !!! Redemption is possible !”

“Can we really believe her? She could be lying you know?“The moth sinner said so you glanced at her soul and sent a smile at what you found"Yeah she could be lying to you toots”

“Ah, so you need prove right?” You smile before snapping your fingers as a holy light shoots down at you as the sinner form melts away and the angelic form comes back.

“Do you believe me now ?”

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kitty5592, dreamer_lita, Tora_anq, cookie9182, The_Trans_Boy, Seveee, Manachpo, Lea_Koe, Luna_Starshooter, Tango2655, Kanekodoc12, Dadzawalover101, RBrennMT42, ItsmeAlice, JudgeJellyfish, Crazy_lover, M1K3_W4S_H3R3, JNAI, JAZZTAXZ, MoonAndFawn, theNex, CardiaSpade, confessionsofanoldcassette, Scarlettravencrove, MartyVal, Kotomiy, CrackedPinkLips, AgnamEmina, e_nox, animelover90, Elev138620, ServentToAll, murk_mey, Shizumi_Chan, iloveyouwuxian, QueenLibra134, Monkey_bridge, Lolo_Art, Memealicious247, koneko128, starrfever, Obsidiana_Amelie, Tswhiisftteedr, LadyNightFury01, Pmard24, Univers_15_b, heliseth, Milo_ashido, Opheliad, Beoogi, and 54 more users as well as 80 guests left kudos on this work!


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