Play Heart: The City Beneath RPG Online Carve - A Heart: The City Beneath Campaign

You fell from grace from the high towers of Spire, or perhaps you’ve never seen the sky above. Maybe you’re from a far land looking for adventure or riches. However you found your way here, something about the Heart compels you further into its red, wet depths, where reality bends and wanes in ways that twist everything. Including you. Now what will you do? How will you make this place the home you’ve never truly had? Will you lose yourself in the endless depths trying to protect it? Who will you meet, who will you become? One thing is for certain: the Heart knows you, and does its best to give you everything you desire - even if it will kill you in the end. This campaign is about carving out a place for yourself within The Heart, and finding your last resting place, whichever comes first. It’s a little bit different from a regular(if any Heart campaign can be called so) adventure, as we’re going to use the Sanctum sourcebook to build a haven and center our play around its creation, growth, and likely very dramatic demise.

Heart: The City Beneath RPG on Foundry VTT

You fell from grace from the high towers of Spire, or perhaps you’ve never seen the sky above. Maybe you’re from a far land looking for adventure or riches. However you found your way here, something about the Heart compels you further into its red, wet depths, where reality bends and wanes in ways that twist everything. Including you. Now what will you do? How will you make this place the home you’ve never truly had? Will you lose yourself in the endless depths trying to protect it? Who will you meet, who will you become? One thing is for certain: the Heart knows you, and does its best to give you everything you desire - even if it will kill you in the end. This campaign is about carving out a place for yourself within The Heart, and finding your last resting place, whichever comes first. It’s a little bit different from a regular(if any Heart campaign can be called so) adventure, as we’re going to use the Sanctum sourcebook to build a haven and center our play around its creation, growth, and likely very dramatic demise. How to prepare Players will need a free Forge account for Foundry VTT. A Discord account and a mic are also required for play. Buying the book is not necessary, but if interested you can find info about it here: What I provide I provide the game platform(Forge/Foundry) which has character sheets, maps, dice, and all the necessary bits to play. All you need to bring is a stable internet and the courage to delve into the red, wet heaven that slumbers fitful under the city of Spire. Gameplay details The Heart is a living, twisting dungeon. The walls pulse and the floors have teeth - it’s a world of horror and wonder, and tries to adapt to the beings inside it. It fails, most times, creating something wretched or pitiful or dangerous out of meat and stone and time, and it will only keep on trying. Death is not always the worst outcome. The content warnings listed here may not encompass all that we’ll encounter, so we’ll go over lines and veils before Session 0. Heart campaigns are shorter than average, around 8-15 sessions, so this is something to be aware of going in as well. Content warnings (none) Safety tools used - Breaks

  • Lines and Veils
  • Open Door
  • Session 0 How will character creation work Character creation, and the creation of the haven, will be done during Session 0, and players will start out as new characters. This is so any new players can ask questions and also for everyone to learn how everything works in Forge. PVP(player vs player) is not allowed; this doesn’t mean you have to get along all the time, but players should consider how they can work as a team when building characters.
  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Medium
  • Experience Level: Open to all No reviews yet… They will show up here after a player has written a review. Check out some of our GMs See allTabletop Roleplaying Games Run by Game Masters - Find a game to join solo or search for a professional game master for you and your friends/coworkers/family.
  • Book your session and wait for the Game Master to approve you.
  • If you don’t have a blast with your first game, your next game is on us.
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