What Are You Playing 10: Ten Builds Zero Progress - Page 4

In honor of my attempt to find something I like in Pillars of Eternity, I choose this title. I tried. I restarted several times, but… I just couldn’t figure out what I wanted to do. Strangely, PoE really tries to orient you within the world, but it’s a world I don’t know, so they’re saying “Pick to be from a place!” and all I have to go on is a blurb and a stat mod. So I want to restart, and am not 100% clear on mechanics, do I’m flailing again and again through the intro. I get to the

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Originally Posted by ArmyOfOptimistsPlaying this really gave me an itch for a good modern dungeon crawler/blobber and I can’t seem to find one. Originally Posted by AnonymouswizardYou know maybe I should give these old school dungeon crawlers a go. Any recommendations for a practical first timer?A good number of first person dungeon crawlers have been released since the pc gaming revolution of the early 2010’s. RPGs in general are niche games with studios like Olwcat, Larian, Obsidian and CD Project being absolute outliers. The norm are small to very small teams with low budget. First person dungeon crawlers are niche within the niche. If you mostly pay attention to big releases you will likely never hear of them. Personally I would second the recommendation for Legend of Grimrock 2. Yes, skip the first one. The sequel is that much better. Another title that I had enjoyed greatly is Operencia. This one features turn-based combat and has a strong focus on characters and stroy. It is somewhat similar to Bards Tale IV, which I would also highly recommend - if you like puzzle games at least ;-) There are several other titles to look into. I’ve not played them myself so I’m not aware of their strengths and weaknesses. From the top of my head:- Heroes of the Monkey Tavern

  • 7th Circle - The Endless Nightmare
  • Inferno - Beyond the 7th Circle
  • Ludus Mortis
  • Ruzar: The Life Stone
  • A Quest That Became Legend

I have taken interest in A Quest That Became Legend myself. The game’s main inspiration seem to be the Might&Magic games. It had a rocky release last year, but the reviews have since taken a turn to the very positive. And with dungeon crawlers in particular there is always the option to just pick up the old games. Some of them have aged incredibly well. The golden era of Might&Magic (MM6 to MM8) is the best example in my opinion: they were slick and fun and easy to pick up back then and they are all of that today. My recommendation of a less well know title is Anvil of Dawn, visceral and dark in its atmosphere and easy to get in (a good automap and just one character to manage). On topic: It has been on my list for quite some time, but I’ve finally picked up Observer: System Redux. Observer is a first-person cyberpunk crime adventure. It took me some time to understand what this game really is: the video game equivalent of a chamber play. Compared to other cyberpunk games like CP2077 or Technobabylon, Observer is confined to a single apartment block. This microcosm has some zoo-like properties, but it functions as a lens through which the player experiences (or dare I say: observes) the setting. The setting is pessimistic even considering the generally dystopian qualities of the cyberpunk genre. The game’s focus and reason to actually play are the stories of human tragedy and drama that you uncover as part of your investigation. The game rarely spells anything out. Instead it lets images and scenes speak for itself, and relies on the player’s abilities to connect bits of information from like dialogues and emails. Personally I enjoy this deliberate approach very much. Thus Observer is an easy recommendation for anyone who enjoys heavy cyberpunk stories as I think they are very well told and presented in this game - just don’t expect any kind of “real” gameplay though. - Show All

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Oh yeah, the new hot thing “Cryptmaster” is supposed to be part dungeon crawler, part typing game too IIRC. - Show All

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I’ll look up all the suggestions when my next paycheque comes in, but leaning towards Etrian Odyssey just because I know it includes mapping in-game instead of requiring graph paper. I can see again, so back to the CRPGs. As much as I like Shifter I’m not keen on it’s alignment restrictions, do I’ve whipped up a Dhampir Cavalier (Disciple of the Pike, to do a no mounts run). Now just to see if I can work out why my computer is blue screening all the time. - You may not post new threads

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